Growing Pains

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Season 4 Episode 1

Bodies littered the floor. Blood was spilled on the expensive rugs and smeared across some of the walls. Broken liquor bottles where thrown in every direction, to any vampire this would look like one hell of a party but to me this was what grief looked like.

I hadn't bothered to get changed what was the point. I feel nothing I was simply numb, I had taken my anger out on the unsuspecting humans I took home last night, than drank the pain away. I had also taken my revenge on the doppelganger last night by sending her over the bridge to her death but it didn't make me feel any better. I took a look at the destruction around me and smirked Kol would be proud.

Our suitcases were by the door ready for our trip. If he had just left that bloody doppelganger here we would be safe away from this god awful town but he didn't now he was gone, my heart clenched.

I had spent sixty years running away from the man I loved, but during those years I knew in the back of my mind I would always find my way back to him. We would always find each other again and we did but in the blink of an eye our time together was ripped away.

"Really Thyra" Rebekah said walking into my mess. I said nothing and continued drinking my whiskey.

"Go get cleaned up" she sighed.

"What's the point?"

"The point is were leaving and you need to get ready" she huffed.

"Again Rebekah what is the point" I sneered standing up throwing my glass at the wall and smashing it.

"Pull yourself together sister do you think he'd want this?" she shouted standing in front of me

"Do you think Nik would want you wallowing in self pity feeling sorry for yourself?" she questioned I flinched when she spoke his name.

"No" I muttered I felt my eyes welling up. He was gone he was really gone and never coming back. My husband, the love of my life, the man who I had spent my human and vampire life with was gone and now I was lost.

"Oh god Rebekah he's gone he's gone" I sobbed she pulled me into a hug and squeezed me. I felt her shake and knew she was also crying out of all the siblings Rebekah and Nik were closest and I knew she was just as broken as me.


A few hours later I woke up in bed I must have fell asleep after my break down with Rebekah. I sat up in bed and took a shaky breath. The room, our room smelled like him. I grabbed his pillow from the left side of the bed; I hugged it tight and inhaled his scent he smelled like wildflowers. The wildflowers that grew in the meadow we had married in a thousand years ago, the same meadow we would go to as humans and get to know each other it was the meadow I realized I was in love with him, my Nik.

A thousand years ago.

I was in the meadow picking wild flowers. Niklaus and I had been married for a few weeks now and things were good amazing even. The Mikaelson's were an interesting family to say the least. Although Nik and I had our own hut and lived by ourselves the Mikaelson's where a constant in our lives.

Mikael was a hard man and very hard to please I hadn't had much conversation with the man he just made a sly comment here and there about me not being with child yet. I ignored him as Esther told me it had taken a while for her to conceive her first born Freya who had died before the family moved to the new world. I didn't know there had been another sibling Esther had said her first born was to hard to talk about I understood.

Esther was kind and warm and helped me become a good wife she helped improve my cooking and sowing skills. Finn was quite and a bit dull to be honest, he was the perfect child though and was glued to Esther's side.

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