Heart Of Darkness

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I decided to skip episode 17 and 18 because Kol isn't in either of these episodes and as you all know Thyra is now in Denver with Kol and Jeremy. I will explain what Thyra has been up to in the two episode gap. So enjoy my lovelies.

Season 3 Episode 19

I sat lounging on the sofa glass of whiskey in my hand as I recalled night before.

Kol and I were celebrating as he had just received word from Klaus that the Bennett witch had unlinked us no doubt Kol's little video we had made of the doppelgangers brother earlier had helped immensely.

Two half naked girls giggled and danced around as their friend lay dead beside Kol who had just killed her moments before my meal was laying sprawled out on the armchair unconscious from lack of blood. We had picked them up from a bar and compelled them to come home with us. Kol and I laughed at nothing due to the fact we were high off blood and alcohol. Just then our carefree environment was broken by the shrill ring of my phone I pulled it from my pocket and answered.

"Hello sister miss me already" I smirked as Kol laughed in the background.

"Thyra" she whispered she sounded upset I immediately sat up and shot Kol a look he hushed the girls and turned down the music.

"Bekah what is it please tell me Klaus hasn't done something stupid and gotten himself killed" I said trying to ease the tension I knew something was wrong I could feel it.

"It's Finn" her voice breaking "He's dead they killed him" my stomach dropped I heard glass smashing behind me and knew Kol had heard his sister. I swallowed the lump in my throat and replied

"Tell me everything" I demanded

She told me how Sage had come back to town that she burned wickery bridge as it was made from white oak but the Salvatore's still managed to get their hands on some of the killer wood. Then they killed Finn, Just after Finn and Sage had been reunited and it looked as if Finn's death wish was over. She also told me how Stefan had given them eight stakes for Damon's freedom as Rebekah had kidnapped him and torched him they still had three to hand in though. I ended the phone call soon after calming Rebekah down.

I turned back to the living area and found that all the humans were now dead. I walked towards Kol and pulled him into a hug he rested his head on my shoulder and hugged me back. No words were said as I knew Kol wasn't good with emotions or feelings. After a while he pulled away and we both decided it would be best to dispose of the bodies. After we disposed of them Kol disappeared. I knew many human's lives would end tonight but who was I to judge his brother was just killed and this was Kol's way of dealing.

After I got home I decided to bite the bullet and Call him.

"Hey" I whispered when he answered the phone

"I didn't expect to hear from you so soon love according to my brother your having the time of your life but if a sibling dying is what it takes to hear from you I should have done it decades ago" he said sarcastically

"Nik don't go there I called to see how you were" I sad remaining calm

"Finn was nothing but a boar a love sick fool" he said

"This is me your talking to Niklaus now tell me how are you really feeling" I pressed

"I want nothing more then to rip there heads off, Finn may have betrayed us but if he was to die it should have been on our terms no there's" he raged I heard something smash and his heavy breathing through the phone.

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