The Wife

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(Edited 11-04-16)

If you're reading this I guess you want to know my story. Well every story has a beginning, middle and an ending except mine, mine doesn't end, it never ends and it's because of him it will never will.

Him he's my drug, my addiction. No matter how many times I say I'm done, no matter how many times I've walked away and told myself and everyone around me this is the last time, I always give in and come back for more.

Why? Because I crave him, I need him, I .. I love him more than anything else in this world and he knows this and uses it for his gain. Why do I let him? I guess you could call me a masochist.

Back to my story, but where to start? From the beginning I guess.

The beginning it was so easy back then, I wish I could go back and start again where everything was simple, beautiful and pure.

Would I change the decisions I made in life? If I could go back probably not.
After all I wouldn't be at this point in my life if I hadn't made the choices I did.

Your most likely wondering who the hell I am right about now, well that's an easy answer.

Me I'm Thyra, Thyra Mikealson, the original wife.

So it begins.

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