Catch Me If You Can

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Season 4 Episode 11

"So tell me again why you killed the professor we went out of our way to get" I asked Kol as we drove away from the school.

"He wanted to release Silas" Kol told me.

"Isn't Silas a scary story our mothers used to tell us so we'd do as they said?"

"Silas is very real darling and if he were released, it would be hell on earth" Kol said, he had a scared look in his eye that I had never seen before. It made me feel uneasy.

"You know I never liked teachers, I mean this professor orchestrated two massacres without even getting his hands dirty," I said more to myself than Kol. This man was a genus when you thought about it.

"I have to stop that hunter completing his mark, care to join me?" Kol asked.

"To be honest I don't really care about Silas, but anything to stop Klaus getting what he wants I'm most certainly up for" I smirked.


We had made a stop at a local mall on the so I could get a new outfit and phone. I was now wearing a v-neck jumper dress with sheer material sown onto the bottom. It was black with maroon, cream, orange and dark green stripes. I paced a black skinny belt around my waist and a black chocker around my neck. I paired the outfit with leather, knee high maroon open toed boots. I let my dark brown, poker straight hair flow down my back; I also put on some eyeliner and dark red lipstick. Kol complained about how long I took but once he saw the result he understood why I took so long.

Kol had talked to Klaus on the way he had told him I was staying with Rebekah. Niklaus being his smug self told Kol about how he was going to get Jeremy to complete the hunters mark what a fool, didn't he know Kol would always be loyal to me, I mean we had been best friends for a thousand years.

We pulled up to the bar Klaus had told Kol about. I could here people inside, I grabbed two bats from the trunk and handed one to Kol.

"Darling you know me so well" Kol said his eyes lighting up.

"I picked them up while to waited in the car, I thought you'd appreciate the gesture" I shrugged. I pushed the door open as we stepped into the bar. The vampires inside shielded themselves from the light.

"Ready to get rid of some of that anger" Kol laughed.

"Let's do this" I grinned, I felt like a child on Christmas morning.

I immediately took two vampires off there feet with my bat. I dropped my bat and ripped their hearts out while they were down. One came from behind and I ripped his head straight off his shoulders. I took the head and launched it at another who was coming at me, while she was caught off guard I broke a barstool and staked her through the heart. I turned around and saw a guy cowering in the corner. I smirked and walked towards him.

"Don't hurt me please" The blonde guy said.

"Sorry hunny, but your in the wrong place at the very wrong time" I stated sarcastically.

I picked him up from the floor and threw him into the pool table on the other side of the room. I took a pool cue and snapped it in half then impaled it through his heart.

"I love watching you work it's so inspiring" Kol said in awe. I took a dish towel from the bar and wiped my hands. I looked over my outfit and smiled dot a drop of blood had spilled on me.

"What can I say I'm simply amazing" I grinned. Looking around I saw that all the vampires were dead Kol and I had really done a number on them.

"Let's get them into the back I'm sure the hunter will be back soon now that its bright out" I told Kol while dragging one of the dead bodies into the storage room.

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