A Safe Place

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Yoongi was interrupted by a string of quiet, but desperate knocks on the door.


I heard knocks at the door.

Yongchan gave me a questioning look and then headed to the door. I had no idea who it could be. I don't know anyone. Maybe it is just one of Yongchan's patients but he seemed surprised to hear the knocking as well.

I hear Yongchan open the door and say, "Jimin?"

Wait...did I just hear him say Jimin?...as in my Jimin? Wait...not my Jimin, but you know...the Jimin that I know. I immediately get up, I need to see if it is truly him for myself.

I walk into the hallway that leads to the back door. As I lean on the room door frame to stabilize myself, I see Jimin doubled over trying to catch his breath. All I can think is 'what the hell happened to him?' and 'is he okay?' I try to look at his face but his head is still down. I look at Yongchan and send him a questioning look as if to say, 'do you know anything?' Yongchan just shrugs. Thanks bro, that is very helpful. I pull my attention back to Jimin, who is still trying to catch his breath.

Did he just run a marathon or something? Wait...what if he ran here from his house? Why did he run here? I swear to...I want to know what the hell happened. I need info now. Before I can ask any questions, Jimin falls against the wall behind him and then slides down it very slowly. He is now sitting on the ground with his legs crossed. I can finally see some of his face. Is he crying? Who the hell made him cry? I swear...I will kill...what if I made him cry? This is probably my fault. I need to know how to fix this.

"Jimin, are you okay? What can I do?" I say.

Jimin finally makes eye contact with me and just cries more. Oh god...I made it worse. Jimin drops his head again.

Yongchan then tried to talk to him, "Jimin?" He doesn't look up. Yongchan continues anyway, "Jimin, we need to know what is wrong in order to help you. Do you still feel short of breath? Were you running?"

He wipes his eyes and replies, "I am okay, guys, really I am. I just was on a run and...wanted to stop here and...get some water?"

I speak up, "Jimin, I want to believe you but you seemed so unsure of everything that you just said." Jimin looks up at me and brings his knees to his chest. I slowly walk over to him and stop just a few feet in front of him and squat down the best I can. I make sure to look into his eyes and speak very softly. "Jimin, please be honest. Why are you here? Do you need help? Did something happen at home?"

That last question must have hit a nerve since he broke eye contact and looked away from me.

You know what? I am glad that he looked away from me cause even with the slight turn that he did, I could now see a mark on his cheek. Calm down, Yoongi. Calm down.

I reach over gently grabs his chin, he flinches at my touch but then relaxes. I turn his head to the right more and I see the red and bruised hand mark on his cheek. I let go of his chin and reach for his hand instead. He flinches again.

I am gonna kill someone.

I look at his eyes and he is crying silently. I wait for him to meet my eyes and then I start rubbing my thumb over his hand. I just want to comfort him and calm him, and honestly, calm myself too.

I try to speak calmly even though murder is on my mind. "Jimin, please tell me what happened and who did this to you. Please?"

Jimin sobs a little but decides to speak, "My mom slapped me as soon as I walked inside. I wasn't expecting it at all. I guess that is why it hurts so much." He put his free hand up to his cheek and rubbed it as he continued, "Mom said that I would be in more trouble when my dad got home and then locked me in my room. I knew that I didn't want to stay and find out what my dad would do to me...so I jumped."

Yongchan questions, "I'm sorry, you said you jumped? As in, jumped out a window?"

Jimin answers, "Yes, I jumped out my window...and then I ran here. I didn't know where else to go...I'm sorry."

I chime in, "There is nothing to be sorry for." I look over to Yongchan and he gives me a nod and I turn my gaze back to Jimin and continue, "and you are always welcome here." I grab Jimin's other hand too. He looks down at our hands. "Jimin, I am so sorry about your parents. You are safe here. We won't let anything happen to you." I finally got a small smile from Jimin and everything seemed a little better.

I then hear the doorbell upstairs ring. Jimin switches our hands so that he is now grabbing mine. I look at Yongchan in a questioning manner and receive a shrug in return. Then I look back to Jimin and see the panic in his eyes. I ask, "Jimin, do you know who is here?"

He looks straight into my eyes and his tears start to fall again. He tightens his grip on my hands and says,

"It's my parents. They followed me here."

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