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"Ok then. Everything pretty much started this morning before school when dad decided that I didn't need my ribs intact." Yoongi said.

Yongchan immediately sighs heavily. "Are you telling me that dad hit you again?"

"Just... let me tell you what happened before you get pissed." Yongchan nodded and Yoongi continued, "It was kinda my fault. Mom decided to make breakfast this morning and she said that I was actually allowed to have some this time. I was skeptical so I mistakenly said 'yeah, right' in response to her invite to eat."

Yongchan sighed and said disappointingly, "Yoongi..."

"Yeah...Yeah....I know." Yoongi responded. "As you could've guessed, everything went downhill from there. Dad got pissed that I 'sassed' mom and the next thing I knew a plate flew right by my head. Then I made mistake number 2. I said that I was sorry and that I really needed to get to school so I'll just take my punishment thing I knew dad was up out of his chair and I was punched right in the ribs. After a couple more swings he said, "You don't get to decide when you get punished, that is my job and boy do I love it." and then he kicked me in various areas and sent me to school."

Yongchan shakes his head. "Why do you say things that you know they won't like? This is why I am always so worried about you."

Yoongi hangs his head, "I'm sorry. I don't try to do things that would worry you, I promise."

"I know that you don't but it doesn't stop me from worrying any less." Yongchan laughs lightly. Then his expression changes to a very serious look. "Anyway, tell me what else happened today. You know that stuff involving Jimin and the hospital and you falling and passing out. You know....all that stuff."

Yoongi responded in a very slow and calculated manner, "You won't believe this but that stuff is a little harder to talk about..."

Yongchan replied, "I had a feeling that it might be but I need to know in order to help you properly....we can take it slow, okay?"

Yoongi nods. "There was another rumor started at school today about me. Something about me sleeping with my teachers to get good grades? I know that I may not look smart but that is really extreme right? Well, that spread like wildfire and soon enough I was getting called a slut or a 'special' teacher's pet. Another thing that made things worse is that most of my teachers are male so I'll spare you the grim details but there were lots of....comments....made and some did more than just insult me."

Yongchan replied, "Yoongi...I'm so sorry."

"After all that I went to the nurse and she said that I need to stop coming to her when any little thing happens so I left. Not left the room, but left school. I just started walking. I was in pain but I knew that there was nothing that I could do to change that." Yoongi looks down to resist his urge to cry, but he continues anyway, "I felt so worthless, you know? Like the only thing that I was good for was being people's punching bags. That is not a life that I wanted, I mean I still don't want to, but it is not a life that I wanted to live. I was feeling really, really hopeless. I've tried to be 'strong' but I can only take so much. I couldn't do it anymore, any of it. So I thought that the only way out of this hell that I am living in, is to die. I went somewhere and there were no people, no one to make it worse...or anyone to make it better. I wanted to jump, I tried to jump.....and the next thing I knew I was on the floor of the bridge with some boy that I didn't know and I was in so much more pain than I was in before." Yoongi finally looked at Yongchan, with tears flowing steadily, and said. "I think you can guess who the boy was...."

Yongchan smiled sincerely and nodded.

"Jimin then proceeded to check on me and ask me over and over and over if he could help in any way. I was still pretty pissed that I know....alive so I didn't treat Jimin kindly at all and of course I feel absolutely horrible about it now but I was in pain and mad. He refused to leave me and I had a panic attack and passed out and you know everything from there. So it is technically true that I got my injuries from a fall."

Yongchan sighed again, "Yoongi..."

"Please don't call me selfish or dumb for trying to kill myself....I already know that and I can't handle you saying it too," Yoongi begged with tears stained on his face.

"I would never say that. I was gonna say that I am so sorry that I can't be there for you all the time anymore....I hate that you felt this way and I didn't even know." Yongchan lamented.

"It is not your fault. I am just glad that you got out when you did." Yoongi replied and smiled at his brother.

"I do have another question today really the first day that you met and talked to Jimin?" Yongchan asked.

"Umm....that is kinda complicated." Yoongi answered.

"Oh?" said Yongchan. "Do tell."

Yoongi took a deep breath, "Well...we are in the same same school so there has been a couple of- "

Yoongi was interrupted by a string of quiet but desperate knocks on the door.

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