It's not Selfish

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"Please don't leave."

I was confused. Yoongi was touching me. He was also telling me not to leave. I thought that I was bothering him. I thought that he didn't want me here. His head is hung low and isn't looking at me. Is he hurt more? I am so stupid. He just fell and I am here thinking about myself. ugh. I hate myself. Focus on Yoongi. "Yoongi, let's get you back on the bed. Okay?" I go to grab him as gently as possible to lift him onto the bed but he tightened his grab on my arm. I look at him questioningly. It was almost like he was telling me to wait. His heading is still hung low and he won't look at me. I put my hand onto his hand that is grabbing my other arm. His grip immediately loosens.

 "Come on, Yoongi, let me get you off of the floor." 

I take his hand off of my arm and put it on my shoulder. I scoop him up bridal style because that is what I thought would cause the least enough of pain. I don't think that he was expecting it because he immediately wrapped both of his arms around my neck. I lifted him and placed him on the bed gently. I unwrapped my arms from him and went to step away from him. He grabbed my hand with his and looked straight into my eyes. 

"Jimin, please don't leave me."

Here I am standing, completely speechless because this boy in front of me wants me to stay. Not just stay but stay with him. Of course I will stay if he wants me to. I was only gonna leave because I thought I was making everything worse but Yoongi sounded worried and sad when he told me not to leave. I don't want him to be sad. I need the make it clear that I am not going anywhere. 

"Yoongi," I move my hands so now my hands are around his. "I am not going to leave you. I was only going to leave because I thought that I was bothering you and making things worse. If you want me to stay with you, I will stay." Yoongi face is like stone but his eyes are teary. He is looking at his hand that in wrapped in mine. I forgot that. I am sure that he is uncomfortable. I should probably stop touching him now. I started to removed my hand when he said,

"Jimin, you weren't bothering me at all... and I am sorry that I made you feel that way. I am very thankful for all that you have been doing... I am sorry. I am being selfish, right? I am sure that you have other things to do or you need to be somewhere. You probably feel like you have to listen to everything I say because I am so unstable, right? Like if you don't do what I say I'll have a breakdown or something? I am sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you into anything. You can go." 

He slipped his hand out of mine and turned his body away from me. It had finally hit me how similar Yoongi and I are. "Yoongi, I am not going to touch you. Can you please turn towards me though?" Yoongi doesn't move. I need him to see how sincere I am when I say that I feel no pressure and I want to do this because I care about him. I climb up on the bed and sit right in front of him. He looks up shocked. We are so close that our knees are touching.

 "Yoongi, I want you to listen to every word I say, okay?" He nods while keeping eye contact. "I care about you. That is why I stay. It is not because I feel pressure or cause you are 'unstable' or that I am afraid that you will have a breakdown. I stay cause I want to. Also, you are not being selfish by asking someone to stay with you. Never think that. It is okay to ask for help or anything else. I would gladly help you. I don't have other things to do and I don't need to be somewhere so... if you still want me too.... I will stay with you. Do you still want me to stay?" Yoongi nods. "Okay. I am going to go get some ice and find Yongchan." "No, please don't." I look at Yoongi. "What do you mean 'no'? I have to get you ice. You fell on the floor and you were already injured so you definitely need it." "Jimin, you said that I am not being selfish by asking someone to stay with me, right?" I nod. 

"So please stay with me?"

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