The Biggest Heart

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Yoongi is finally awake. He sits up with his whole body aching. "Yongchan, what am I doing here?" 

"Yoongi, I need you to be completely calm. ok? Your friend took you to the hospital but then called me and I picked you up and now we are here so that I can treat your injuries." Yoongi had tensed when Yongchan said that he was at a hospital. Yoongi is very upset. They can tell just by his face and the way that he is sitting. Jimin now has backed into the corner of the room because he feels like the reason that Yoongi is upset is his fault. Jimin looks guilty and is hanging his head low as he says, "Yoongi?" Yoongi looks up at him. "I am so sorry. I know that you are probably mad at me and I know that I got in your business and did the exact opposite of what you wanted. I didn't know that you hated hospitals so much. I just freaked out after you passed out. I was so worried so I carried you to the hospital because I thought that the hospital could help you. I was so scared. I didn't want you to be alone. I called your brother and told him about how you were hurt. I am so sorry. You are very hurt and in loads of pain because of me. I know that you just wanted me to leave you but I couldn't. I'm sorry."

Yoongi takes a second to look at the boy and he can tell how genuine his words are. Yoongi is not mad but confused about how the boy standing in the corner with his head hung low can care so much for someone that he doesn't even know. This boy stopped him from jumping off a bridge and comforted him and told him how much he cares and how he is not alone. This boy worried about him after he passed out and carried him to the hospital. This boy called his brother in concern for him and made sure that what he was doing was okay. This boy even came along to his brother house because he didn't want to leave him when anyone else would have just left. This boy is different and has a bigger heart than Yoongi could ever put into words. 

Yongchan has finally had enough of everyone being vague. "What happened to you, Yoongi? One of you tell me the truth of exactly what happened right now." Jimin finally looks up and locks eyes with Yoongi. He didn't realize that Yoongi had been staring at him. Jimin looks away. Yoongi doesn't take his eyes off of the boy standing in the corner but takes this chance to talk first. "Yongchan, it is not something that I want to talk about right now. I hope that you can understand that. I am in a lot of pain and would like that to be dealt with first and I have lots of homework to do. And..." Jimin looks over to Yoongi. "We need to take you home. Thank you for the help but my brother and I can handle it from here." Yongchan takes this chance to look between the two boys that have been locking eyes for a bit. He can't tell what they are trying to convey as they stare intently at each other. He does notice that they understand each other though. He decides to break up their conversation. "Jimin." Both boys look over. " I need to treat Yoongi. I don't mind if you stay but you already have helped a tremendous amount so I can drive you home now." Jimin doesn't hesitate in answering. "Yongchan, I would be happy to stay but if I am making Yoongi uncomfortable and wants me to leave..." Jimin looks over to Yoongi. " then I will." Jimin then hangs his head again. Yongchan answers, "Well I actually could use your help with some things so if you don't mind..." Jimin looks up at Yoongi as if he is asked for permission. Yoongi face is stoic. He doesn't seem to disagree with Jimin staying. Jimin answers Yongchan while looking at Yoongi with his softest eye smile, "I am happy to help until you send me away!" 

Jimin laughs a little and Yoongi realizes that this boy has the biggest heart.

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