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Ever since Yongchan left to take Jimin home, Yoongi has been lying on the table and beating himself up for pushing someone away again. He was so worried that Jimin really hated him now. He was nice before he left though. The two sides of Yoongi's brain are fighting. One side is telling him that he shouldn't have pushed Jimin away and the other is telling him that he would have hurt Jimin and he needed to do this in order to protect him. This back and forth fighting has now given Yoongi a migraine. He hates migraines. He has them too often. Yoongi is now writhing in pain. 

Yoongi is just about to get up to find some pain killer and ice when Yongchan walks in the room.

"That was surprisingly quick! He must live nearby then." said Yoongi.

"No duh, Sherlock!" Yongchan responded hostily. 

"Hey, what is with your attitude?"

"Yoongi, you are really gonna ask me about my attitude right now? Are you kidding me? I got a call from you earlier and immediately thought that they had hurt you again or that you were dead. Do you know how much that scared me? Then finding out that you were in the hospital because you apparently fell. Which I don't believe by the way and suddenly you have a friend/not friend, Jimin, that is one of the sweetest people ever and you pushed him away. I have been in the dark about what is actually going on for hours and I need the full truth now."

Yoongi listened to every word and felt guilty for scaring his brother and getting him involved in the first place. Then again, it was technically Jimin who got Yongchan involved but he was just trying to do the right thing so he doesn't blame Jimin at all.

"Yongchan, I am sorry that I scared you and got you involved in all of this. I never wanted to bother you..."

"What have I said, Yoongi? You. Will. Never. Bother. Me. Please understand that."

"I know you say that but I can't stop the feeling that I bother people. Anyway, I never intended to leave you in the dark completely I just didn't know how to tell you what happened. I know that you are gonna be mad at me either way so I am just gonna start."

"Yoongi, I will never be mad at you for being honest. Go ahead and start though."

"Ok then. Everything pretty much started this morning before school when dad decided that I didn't need my ribs intact."

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