Unwelcome Visitors

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"It's my parents. They followed me here." Jimin said, terrified.


How dumb am I? How could I not pick up that Jimin didn't want to go home earlier?! Now, his parents are here?! Dang, this is not gonna be good. It's okay. I have dealt with these situations before and I can do it again. I prepared for this. We just need to keep Jimin calm and out of sight and I know the perfect place.

"Jimin, I will take care of whoever is at the door, whether it be your parents or not." Then I looked to my brother who was comforting the terrified boy, "You know what to do. I'll be back soon."

I leave them by themselves while I go to deal with the unwelcome visitors at the door and trust that my brother will keep Jimin safe. Yoongi definitely seemed like he would kill anyone in a second if they even thought about harming Jimin. I totally understand that feeling. Yoongi has always been like that though. He is always willing to protect those he cares about but never himself. That ticks me off.

I reach the main level and I can see the strangers looking into my house from the windows on the sides of the front door. Rude. Also...creepy.

I make a face to send the signal that I am weirded out by them looking in my house and I don't know them. The strangers back away from the windows and I make my way over to the front door. I take a few deep breaths and get ready to win an Oscar for the performance I am about to do.

I open the door to two mid-aged adults with fake smiles and I say with an equally fake smile, "Hello, is there something that I help you with? Also, why were you staring into my house?"

The woman, dressed in business attire, lets out a soft laugh and answers, "Oh, I do apologize. We were worried that no one was home so we took a quick peek through the windows."

I nod and respond, "Okay, that makes a little sense, I guess. Again, may I ask you what I can help you with and why you are here?"

The man, dressed in a blue button up and dress pants, speaks up, "Right, right. We were driving down the road and thought that we saw our son entering your house. You see...our son is very ill...and we let him go on walks to calm down and put his mind at ease...but sometimes he gets lost and enters strangers' homes thinking that the house is our house."

I am taken aback. I have never met Jimin's parents but I never thought that they would be like this. Jimin is so kind, compassionate and honest. Where did he learn those concepts from? Not these people, that's for sure.

I responded, "Oh, that's quite unfortunate that you lost your son. I can tell you that I definitely haven't found anyone in my house that isn't supposed to be here. Have you tried calling the police? If your son is ill, he really shouldn't be alone. How old is he? What does he look like? I can post something on my neighborhood's info page, if you would like?"

I could see their fake smiles dropping. It became seemingly harder and harder for them to contain their rage and not snap at me.

"Listen, boy." spat the woman with her voice raised. "You can cut the crap. I know that our son ran into your basement. We saw him. We know that you are keeping him hidden somewhere and we ARE going to find him."

This is where my acting class in college comes into play. I look between the two people in front of me with a concerned look. "Wait...so your son isn't actually lost? And you don't want me to call the police? I am confused now. You think that I am holding him here and-"

The man cuts me off and starts to yell, "Listen idiot. I know that you have our son in this house somewhere. Either you bring him to us now or we will search your house ourselves. You take your pick."

I was about to stall them some more, but I got a buzz on my watch notifying me that the safe room was locked. All the stress that I was feeling is gone. They are both safe. Thank goodness!

I answer, "I would appreciate it if you lowered the aggressiveness in your voice and on your face, for one. Also, again, I have no idea where your son is or even what he looks like. Therefore, I cannot bring him to you. I am sorry. I have offered to help but this conversation is going nowhere, so I will be going back to work. I hope that you find your son." I then try to shut the door but they both walk inside before I can.

Dang. These people really suck and they are getting on my nerves.

"Excuse me? The hell do you think that you are doing?," I question. "You cannot just barge into my house like this. You guys are breaking the law."

"Just shut up already!" the man yells. "You are so useless. Just stay out of our way. We WILL be searching this house!"

The man pushes past me and the woman follows. They head straight to the basement door. Dang. They move fast and they are already opening the door and heading down. I run over and catch up. They say something about how I am a liar and they know because I came up from the basement when they first got here so I must have run into their son already. I just answer that I have no idea what they are talking about.

I really hope that the alarms went off like they should have. I know that Jimin will be terrified if he suddenly hears his parents' voice. I wanted to give them any signal that I could. I know how scared Jimin is, both of them really. Yoongi always puts up a brave front but he is just as terrified as everyone else. He has fears just like everyone else. I see the intruders walk in and out of my medical exam rooms and my office. I hear them moving and throwing things and I am starting to get pissed.

"You can search all you want but if you freaking make a mess of my workspace, I will lose it. Okay?" I ask.

They both roll their eyes but nod. They move on and they are frustrated that they haven't found anything yet. The only door left is the closet door. They make their way over as if they had just solved the mystery.

The man decides to speak as he is about to open the door. "Really, Jimin? You thought that you could hide in a coat closet?! You are even dumber than I thought you were." They open the door to a coat closet...with no Jimin inside of it. They move around the coats and still no Jimin in the closet.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" the man yelled. "WHERE IS HE? He is supposed to be here."

I answer, "I am sorry, sir, but as I have said many times. No one has barged into my house today, except you two. Can you please leave now? I need to get back to work. And thanks to you two I have the feeling that I am gonna have to do some cleaning before I can work again so if you will please...Get the hell out of my house before I call the cops. Thanks.

I watch as the man tries to say something but the woman stops him and says, "Honey, let's just go." They walk out the back door and I wait a good 5 minutes before I get in the coat closet and start my journey to the safe room.

I get to the last door and knock the way only Yoongi and I know. I can't hear anything going on inside. After a minute or two, the door opens. I am surprised with a mess of a Yoongi, that is in obvious pain, and a Jimin apologizing profusely over and over again from the bed.

I am super confused.

"So while I was winning an Oscar and getting rid of demons, you guys were doing what exactly?"  

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