The Waiting

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"Yoongi, did they hurt you again?"

Jimin decides to respond even though he wants to know why Yoongi's brother says "again" and wants to know who "they" are.

"Hello, is this Yoongi's brother?

"Yes, this is Yongchan, Yoongi's brother. Is Yoongi alive?

"Yes, he is alive but is passed out and hurt badly."

"Ok, who is this and where is he?"

"This is Park Jimin and we are at the Northside ER."

"You guys are at an ER? How? Yoongi hates hospitals. wait... how do you know my brother and why do you have his phone? Do our parents know where you guys are?"

"It is a long story and I don't know if..."

"Jimin, do our parents know?!"

"I don't think so. Why? What's wrong?"

"Jimin stay with Yoongi and try to calm him down if he wakes up and don't make anymore calls on this phone ok? I am on my way to you guys now."

"I will not leave his side."

" Ok, keep my brother safe Jimin." -call ended


Jimin was shocked. He was freaking out on the inside. What the heck is wrong with Yoongi's family? I thought mine was bad but his is really crappy. I can't even process what is going on but I do know that I need to wait for Yongchan to get here and I need to be here for Yoongi when he wakes up. Yoongi is going to wake up, right? Wait, what if he doesn't wake up? Crap. I am panicking. Oh no. It is all my fault that he is here. I need to know when he is gonna wake up so I ask, "Excuse me, nurse! My friend is gonna wake up right? He is okay right? He'll be fine right?

One of the nurses looks over and sees my panicky expression and responds very calmly, " It is gonna be ok. We need to know more about your friend in order to properly heal him. We know that he passed out after having a panic attack and we can tell that his arm is hurt. Is there anything else that you can tell us?"

I calm myself down with deep breaths. I don't want to tell them about Yoongi's suicide attempt but I will tell them about the fall that followed. "He fell onto the floor of the bridge in the park and hit his head and I think he broke a couple of bones. He then started to hyperventilate and start to panic and passed out. That is all that I know." The nurse thanked me  for the info and went to go run some test on Yoongi. They asked me to step outside while they ran them and I tried to refuse but they said that they can't properly help him until I leave the room. So I said that I will step right outside and watch through the window in the door. I decided to pull out my phone in order to update my parents on my location. They know that my runs are sometimes long but never this long. I know that they probably have a tracker on my phone but if I don't update them I will get in trouble. I call my mom first because she had called me just a few minutes ago. The phone rings a couple of times before I hear the similar voice of my mom. 

"Hello?...Jimin?... Why didn't you answer my calls? You aren't on your run anymore, are you?"

"Hey, Mom. Sorry that I couldn't answer your call. I am not on my run anymore. I came across someone who needed help so I helped them to the hospital."

"Jimin, you know that you are not allowed to talk to people after school. You better not be meeting up with one of your school friends. You need to come home and do school and focus on books not people or friends. You know the rules. I want you to leave where you are right now and come home immediately!"

"Mom, can I please stay here for a bit longer? This person..."

"Jimin! Did you not hear what I said? Who cares about that person? Come Straight home."

"Mom..." Yoongi's phone is ringing in my pocket. I take it out and it is Yongchan.

"Ok, mom, I will. I have to go."

"Straight. Home. Jimin"

"Okay, bye." I hang up and answer Yongchan's call. 

"Hello, this is Jimin."

"Jimin! Is my brother still ok?"

"Yes, I am watching him right now."

"Okay, I am here. what is the room number?"

"Rm 1027 on the first floor"

"okay I am coming for you now."

Yongchan hung up the phone before I could respond. I decide to walk back in because it looks like they are done with the test. I walk in and the nurse from before approaches me and says, "You were right. Your friend's arm is broken. He has a concussion, his femur is fractured, and a couple of his ribs are broken. That fall that he took must have been really bad. Also, it looks like he hasn't eaten anything yet today." I was in shock yet again. But all I could ask was "why hasn't he woken up yet?" The nurse said, "Due to his concussion and his lack of food, when he started to have a panic attack his body started to shut down because it couldn't run properly."

I was devastated so I just nodded that I understood, I just want Yoongi to wake up. I just want him to be okay. I was pulled from my thoughts when someone busted through the door without a care. It was Yongchan. I could just tell. I thought that everything would be okay now that he was here but what he said next made my doubts run wild.

"Don't touch my brother anymore! We are leaving now!" 

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