We Need Ice Bags

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I came into the living room and said, "You know there are many many good movies other than-"

I cut myself off after seeing Yoongi and Jimin sound asleep on the couch. They looked so peaceful. I took the melted ice packs off of Yoongi cause they were not doing anything while they were melted. I know that Yoongi is in so much pain but he looked so relaxed that my eyes started to water. He has experienced nothing but pain for years and I have never had the chance to see him at peace like this.


Was it Jimin that brought him this peace of mind?

What is the true nature of their relationship?

My mind is roaming with questions but all of those can wait. These poor boys have been through enough. I am going to let them rest as long as possible. They deserve it.


Sometime later, Jimin starts to stir awake. He opens his eyes. He looks around trying to get a grip on his surroundings. He is on a couch. He is tired. He is lying on someone...?

Jimin jumps up from the couch.

"Ouch." Yoongi grunts.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I didn't realize that I fell asleep on you! I'm sorry!" Jimin said.

"Oh my Lord! It's fine. You must have moved while you were asleep. No harm done. We both fell asleep. No need to apologize."

"Still I just keep on hurting you..." Jimin trailed off.

"Don't worry about it. I am always in pain but I know that you never mean to hurt me." Yoongi assures.

Jimin rubs his cheek. "Yeah, I never mean too, yet, I always do."

"It's okay. I'm serious." Yoongi stood up, grunting in pain. "I am gonna find Yongchan. I think he took my ice packs. I was going to make some ice bags instead. Do you want some ice for your cheek?"

Jimin nodded. "Yeah, I could use some...oh my goodness...let me get it! You have a broken leg and ribs! Sit your butt back down."

"It is fine, I am used to it. I also have a high pain tolerance and I am on pain killers, so I am good." Yoongi argued.

Jimin shakes his head, "You are stubborn. I will get it. I'll tell your brother that you are exerting yourself."

"Telling on me, that's low...you wouldn't dare" Yoongi threatened.

"YONGCHA–" Yoongi lunged at him, covering his mouth. "Okay, I get it. Point made. You get the ice and I will sit here." Yoongi released Jimin and sat down.

"Thank you. I'll be back!" Jimin walked down the stairs to find Yongchan and ice.

"Yongchan, Yoongi needs- Oh my goodness!" Jimin exclaimed as he found Yongchan cleaning up his office.

Yongchan looked up and shrugged. "It happens."

Jimin sighed. "You shouldn't be doing this by yourself. Especially because it was my parents that made the mess in the first place. Please let me help you."

Yongchan almost agreed but remembered what Jimin was saying when he first walked in. "What does Yoongi need?"

Jimin remembered his original mission, "Ice! We need ice. Yoongi lost his ice packs and asked for ice bags instead."

Yongchan nodded. "Yeah, I took the packs while he was sleeping cause they had melted. Wait, did you say we? Does your face hurt? Are you hurt anywhere else?"

Jimin shook his head. "It is just my cheek. I want to keep the swelling down."

"Okay, I believe you. The ice machine is in the third exam room. It is probably a mess but hopefully they left the icemaker alone. There are different size bags on the wall. The smallest bag, which I would suggest for your face is on the bottom and the largest ones are at the top. I would suggest filling two of the largest ones for Yoongi. Give me a holler if you need help with anything." Yongchan explained.

"Thank you! I will!" Jimin assured Yongchan.

Jimin headed to the third exam room and it was a mess like Yonghcan had predicted but he saw an icemaker in the corner working away. He grabbed two large bags and filled them up and sealed them and then grabbed a small one for himself and filled and sealed it. He walked back to Yongchan's office and said, "Yongchan, I got the ice. I am going to bring Yoongi his ice and then I'll be back to help you clean."

Yongchan looked up and told Jimin, "Please just go rest. I am very capable of cleaning by myself. Actually, can I ask you to watch Yoongi for me? It would make me feel better if someone was with him in case he needs something. Can you do that for me?"

Jimin nodded. "I can do that...but if he falls asleep again I'll come down and help you, okay?"

"Fine." Yongchan grunted. Jimin smiled and walked upstairs. Yongchan then whispered. "Yoongi was not kidding, Jimin is very stubborn."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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