Safe Room

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"Welcome to my safe room!"

Jimin turned to Yoongi and saw him rubbing his arm. Jimin went over and sat next to Yoongi.

"Does it hurt? I am sorry that you...that you are in more pain because of me."Jimin stated.

Yoongi turned his head to Jimin, "It does...but...Jimin, my pain is never, ever, your fault, okay?"


Yoongi stood up and asked, "Want a tour?"

Jimin nodded. Yoongi walked around and explained that the bed was a bed and that the bookshelves were bookshelves and the books on the bookshelves were, in fact, books and the desk was a desk and the chair by the desk was a desk chair.

Jimin let out a little laugh over Yoongi's funny way of doing things.

Yoongi stated, "...and that is the important stuff. Did you catch all that? Do I need to go over what the bookshelf is again?"

"No, I don't think so. I am a quick learner so I think that I got it all down." Jimin laughed loudly and then stopped himself. "Wait, they can hear us, can't they? Shouldn't we stop talking?"

Yoongi answered, "Nope, they can't hear us at all. This room is soundproof but we can hear the outside. Here, let me show you." Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and brought him over to the desk and turned on the monitor and picked up the headphones.

"We planted mics inside all of the lights in the hallway so that when I am in here, I can know what is going on out there. Pretty sneaky, huh?"

Jimin answered, "Yeah, very sneaky, but also clever. What other things do you have set up down here?"

"Well, I'm glad that you asked. See these little bulbs sticking out of the wall?"

Jimin nodded.

"Well, each bulb is a different color and they are connected to different triggers. So when the triggers are set off then the lights will start flashing. For instance, this green one lights up when someone opens the basement door that leads outside. But this yellow one-"

Just then the yellow bulb started flashing rapidly. Yoongi looked at Jimin and back at the light and then put on the headphones.

Jimin tapped Yoongi's arm. "What's wrong? What triggers the yellow light? Yoongi? What are you listening to?"

Yoongi changed the input from the audio picked up in the hallway to the audio picked up on the stairs and sadly confirmed what he feared to be true. "Jimin, there is nothing to worry about. We are safe and Yongchan will deal with your parents."

"That doesn't answer any of my questions. What is going on?" Jimin asked.

"Alright, alright. The yellow light flashes when someone is coming down the stairs." Yoongi explained.

"Someone is coming down the stairs right now? Is it Yongchan?" Jimin questioned further.

Yoongi sighed, "Yes, but he is not alone."

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