Trust Me

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"It's my parents. They followed me here." Jimin said, terrified.

Jimin looked down to his hands that were holding on to Yoongi's so tightly. "Yoongi," Jimin's voice trembled, "what...what should I do? They followed me. They found me. I don't...I... I'm scared. What are they gonna do to me? What if- "

Yoongi cut Jimin off, "hey, hey, look at me..."

Jimin looked up and into Yoongi's eyes.

Yoongi continued, "It's true that they might be here, but we will not let them take you, okay? You are safe here. We are gonna keep you safe."

Jimin dropped his head again and said, "I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have to do anything for me."

Yongchan spoke up, "Jimin, I will take care of whoever is at the door, whether it be your parents or not." Yongchan then looked to Yoongi. "You know what to do. I'll be back soon."

Yoongi nodded in response and Yongchan headed upstairs.

Yoongi looked back to Jimin and started to stand up, still holding Jimin's hands and bringing him to stand too. Yoongi let go of both of Jimin's hands and just grabbed one instead.

Yoongi softly tugged on Jimin's hand and said, "Jimin, everything is gonna be fine. Come with me, okay?" Jimin looked at Yoongi and nodded.

Yoongi led Jimin down the hallway into a part of the basement that he hadn't been to yet. Yoongi stopped in front of what looked like a coat closet. Yoongi could hear muffled talking from upstairs. Yoongi looked to Jimin, "We need to hurry." Yoongi opened the door and it was indeed a small coat closet.

Jimin was confused and whispered, "Are we gonna hide in here? What if they-"

Yoongi cut him off, "Trust me, okay?"

Yoongi motioned Jimin to get inside. Yoongi followed after and shut the door. Jimin was scared. It was tight and dark and the closet door had no lock. He worried that his parents could open the door and find him any second.

It was completely dark until a tiny bit of orange light started to shine through one of the coats hanging up. Yoongi moved the coat in the way and pressed the small orange light. Suddenly, a small door cracked open right next to Jimin. Yoongi opened the door all the way and revealed a little tunnel with string lights that lead somewhere.

Yoongi squeezed Jimin's hand and whispered, "Come on, this way."

Jimin was shocked and somewhat relieved. Yoongi leaned down and tried to let go of Jimin's hand so that he could crawl through the tunnel, but Jimin had quite the grip. Yoongi was about to bring up the fact that he needs both hands to crawl but he stopped when he heard intense yelling from upstairs. Jimin tightened his grip more (if that's even possible). He started to shake. He knows those voices and he is very familiar with that yelling. He can't help it. He started to cry again. "Yoongi, it's them for sure. They are here. What do we do? They are gonna find me. They are gonna-"

Yoongi pulled Jimin into a hug. "Hey, hey, it is okay. They won't find you but you need to come with me. I am gonna let go of your hand and I need you to crawl into this tunnel and push open the door at the end, okay? I will be right behind you."

A few seconds later, Jimin pulled away from the hug and nodded. He slowly let go of Yoongi's hand and he ducked down and began to crawl. Yoongi followed behind him and shut and locked the small door they just came through. Jimin opened the door and climbed down into the room at the bottom of the tunnel. Yoongi climbed into the room and shut the door and put in the code to lock and deadbolt it.

Yoongi turned to Jimin to check on him, but he was busy looking around the room. Jimin was so intrigued. It was like a whole bedroom. Sure, the ceiling wasn't as high as a normal bedroom, but he could stand up straight with a little room left. There was a queen size bed and tons of books. There was everything to occupy yourself with, as if someone had lived here.

Yoongi sat on the bed and rubbed his arm that was now in a lot of pain.

"Welcome to my safe room!"

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