chapter one

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Ally's POV-

I was sitting on my bed In the hotel room that me, Lauren and camilla where sharing, with tears running down my face.

I had just got a call from one of my parents  friends saying that my parents had past away in a car crash on the way to a meeting for work.

She also added that my little sister would have called to tell me but she was in a terrible wreck when she found out and she was now planning a funeral.

I'm just sitting on my bed thinking about the last time I saw my parents they had came to see mine and the girls  concert only 2 months ago.

I'll admit I was upset when y/n didn't come but she has never came to any of my shows.

She would always stay home when our parents would visit me.

This must be destroying her, I would never be able to plan a funeral for our parents but I feel bad letting my little sister do it.

After awhile I heard the door open and all the girls came in.

"Ally? Are you I  here we have been looking everywhere!" I heard lauren say before I saw her pop her head around the corner.

Once she saw me crying she ran over to the bed and pulled me into a hug. All the other girls came over and joined in.

I explained everything and they all agreed to come with me to the funeral and to collect my things from the house after.

They started to distract me by asking questions about my sister, they know I have a little sister but I never really talk about her.

"What's your sisters name al?" I hear mani ask.

"Y/n" I say softly looking up at them.

"What is she like?" I hear cam ask joining the conversation seeing that it was cheeing me up a little.

"Well last time I saw her she was so sweet she would follow me around and copy my every move. My parents would say she was like a mini me." I giggle out thinking back to the time me and my baby sister were inseparable.

"When was the last time you saw her? I've never met her so it cant be less than 2 years" mani adds tilting her head to the side.

"I've not seen her since I left, so 2 years. According to my parents she was always to busy with school or friends to come with them..."

" well you'll see her in a few days! And we get to meet a mini ally" dinah said smiling lightly.

"Oh no another person telling me to mind my language and not to use the gods name in vain"  lauren said throw herself back on the bed making us all laugh.

After awhile we all sat on my bed and start to watch a movie, I pulled my phone out I went on to my parents facebook and looked for the last photo of y/n.

It took alot of scrolling until I found one. It was posted a month after i left. Her long y/h/c covering half of her face while standing next to my mum.

Staring at the camra with a look I had never seen before. Her hair went down to mid stomach. I dont know why but the innocent little girl I remember doesn't look like herself there.

"Is that her? She looks so young in that? How old is she?" I hear cami say over my shoulder.

"This was a month after I left. Shes 14 in this.. I thinks shes 4 years younger than me and I left at the age of 18"  all the girls where now listening and passing around my phone.

"So shes 16 now? Who is she staying with now your parents are gone?" Lauren asked.

I didnt think about that, we dont have any other family. I also realised I've just let a 16 year old plan her parents funeral.
I'm a terrible sister..

"I dont know.. maybe a family friend I'll find out when we get there in 2 days.." I say as I go back to staring at the picture.


We were just getting out the car to go to into the church for the funeral. I look around trying to spot a y/h/c girl.

I spot a girl with long black hair that goes down to her mid thigh with y/h/c roots going down to her ears. Maybe she knows where y/n is.

I tell the girls and we walk over to the girl and tap her shoulder.

"Hey,  I was wondering if  you know where my little sister is?" I asked the girl slowly turns around so I can see her face.

Her y/e/c eyes looking at me with fear and sadness in her eyes. I examine her face, she has a nose ring and dark make  up on, but you could still see faint tear streaks stains on her cheeks.

I realised that this was my little sister and how much she had changed.

"Y/n?.." I ask stepping forward to give her a hug. But she quickly steps back and shakes her head.

" allyson." She says before walking over to a group of boys standing at the church gates.

I turn around to face the girls ready to cry. My baby sister has changed so much the hate in her eyes was so strong.

Sighing all the girls but mani lead me into the church to sit down and wait.

My parents are gone and my sister hates me..

Mani's POV-

I watch the girls walk ally into the church before turning to face the way that the girl had went.

She was sitting with a group of boys passing a cigarette around the group.

Sighing I walk over there.

"Shoo get lost!" I shout at the boys.

They all stand up and run off after saying goodbye to y/n.

The girl stands up and trys to walk back  through the church gates.

I quickly grab her arm and turn her around.

"WHAT?! what do you want? I'm trying to say goodbye to my parents!" She screams at me.

"What was that back there?! Why were you so rude to your sister?" I ask trying to keep my voice soft, however mad I may be she did just lose her parents at a young age.

"You mean Allyson? She left me when I was 14! Didn't  contact me once, left me to plan all of this by myself at the age of 16! Unless you call that a sister I dont have one!" She said with hatred dripping off of every word before she pulled away and walk in to the church.

I walked on after her and sat with the girls. I saw Ally's eyes following her younger sister who was walking to the front and sitting down.

After it was finished we all went to the thing after a funeral where you celebrate the persons life and eat food.
I dont know what it's called.

We looked around the room to see that y/n wasnt there.

Ally walked up to a family friend to ask where she was before coming back towards us.

"She's went home, shes packing to go into foster care.." ally said with a shaky voice showing us that she is trying not to cry.

"I just saw her again! I can't lose her!"

"Why dont we take her? Your old enough and related to her?" Lauren says slowly.

I guess we're taking her in. Ally goes off again to make a couple phone calls to the foster system people.

I tell the girls what happened before the funeral and they are all shocked.

"She was smoking?!" Cami whisper yells.

" cam is that all you just heard? She literally said that ally wasnt her sister because she left her!"  Dinah whisper yelled back.

" what are we going to do? " I said sighing and sitting down.

1355 words

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