chapter 8

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Y/n's POV-

We had just arrived at the mall, splitting up into pairs.

I was paired with Lauren,
The other pairs were
Ally and mila,
dj and mani.

I dont know why but I was really happy when the girls chose me and Laur to go together.

Ally had gave me 20 dollars and said if I needed more to call her and she would bring some.

I probably wasnt even going to spend all of this.

Me and Laur are just walking around when I feel her hand slip into mine. Making me smile.

We walk around for a while until I see a target. I quickly pull lauren over to the shop.

"Can we get candy, and go have picnic in the near by park?" I ask doing the puppy eyes and pouting.

"A picnic with just candy?" She asks laughing.

"Yeah!" I say and try to pull her to the shop again

" you know why not?" She laughs and starts to walk with me still hand and hand.

When we finally get to target, I climb into the trolley and lauren starts to push me to the candy isle.

We start to grab as much as we can pilling it into the trolley.

Our phones go off at the same time, I look at her with an raised eyebrow before pulling put my phone, Lauren doing the same.

Where is (y/s/n)


Me and mila found them and I'm not surprised at what their doing. 😂

I look around trying to spot them, I see them giggling at the end of the isle

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I look around trying to spot them, I see them giggling at the end of the isle.

Once they realised they had been spotted they came over.

"Whatcha doing?" Mila asks trying to see what candy we had grabbed.

"We're going to have a candy picnic in the park!" Lauren says throwing a packet of swedish fish at me.

I stick my toung out at her and turn back to the girls who were smirking.

"Can we join?" My sister asks.

"Sure but your gonna both have to pay for a quarter of this. I buy a quarter, so does lauren, mila and you!" I say, I mean it's fair if their joining they have to pay too!

They both nod their heads before helping is pick things out.


Ally's POV-

We had just arrived at the park, we all sit down and start to tuck into the candy.

I quickly fell into a conversation with mila talking about random things.

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