chapter 10

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No one's POV-

Y/n was laying in bed just staring at the ceiling. Today, well yesterday as its 1 am, was the best day ever to her.

She finally got a girlfriend, that isn't just using her for her body and the relationship isn't one sided.

Y/n didn't start alone in her room, Lauren and her were cuddling in bed ready to go to sleep.

But ally came in pulling lauren out of bed saying they had to sleep in different rooms.

Ofcourse they weren't going to listen, they were waiting to make sure ally was asleep before y/n snuck into Lauren's room.

She carefully slid out of her bed and slowly walked out of her room trying to not make a sound.

As she tiptoe past allys room she finally relaxed and walked to Lauren's room with a small smile on her face.

"And where are you going?" A voice from behind her said.

Y/n spun around to see who it was, she was relieved when she saw it wasn't ally.

But dinah, who was going to get her midnight snake like normal.

"I could ask you the same thing." She said slowly walking backwards hoping she could get to Lauren's room before dj decided to listen to ally.

"I'm going for a snack, where are you going." DJ asks again this time she wanted an answer.

"I'm going to sleep!" Y/n said doing  fake yawn.

"Your room is that way." DJ says pointing to the room the opposite direction to where yn was going.

"But my girlfriend is that way" y/n says copying dinah's point.

"Okay fine I wont tell ally if you let me have dome of the candy you got today."

"Deal!" Y/n says  before running off to the bedroom.

DJ shakes her head as she walks downstairs, she wasn't going to tell anyway she just wanted to tease the younger girl, but she got free candy this way!

While dinah was looking through the bags of candy, y/n was slipping through Lauren's bedroom door and walking towards the bed.

Lauren slowly opened her eyes to see y/n getting under the covers, once the girl was laying down Lauren pulled her into herself so they were cuddling.

"Hey bubba, you sneak out ok?" She asks kissing her forehead.

"Mhm.. dj caught me but she promised not to tell for a packet of candy.

"Ofcourse, she did" Lauren giggles."let's go to sleep, y/n/n."

"Night lolo."

And with that they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

And it was all peaceful until....


They both pulled apart so fast that Lauren fell off the bed.

She quickly looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table before turning to look at the small bug scary girl.

It was 10 am they had both slept in.

"I went to wake you up but you weren't in bed! I should of guessed that you would be in here!" She says picking up a pillow and throwing it at the girl still sitting in bed.

"Come on ally, what is it with you and making people fall of of things!" She says leaning over the edge of the bed to look at Lauren.

"You know what, I cant even be bothered! Just if your going to share a room keep the door open and dont do any unholy business." She says as she walks out.

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