chapter 26

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I'M BACK!!!!!
Took so long to get rid of the writers block for this book, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Lauren's POV-

It's been a couple weeks since y/n came home, she has been kind of distant from me and Camila.

For the last week and a half, shes been staying in Ally's room, cuddling into anyone but me and Cami on movie nights.

She always makes up an excuse to get away from us. It's got me really confused since she said we were all good.

Thinking back to it, she's been acting like this since I caught her frowning while cuddling dj.

I finally had enough when she refused to even let me kiss her cheek goodbye this morning before she went out with mani to the mall.

So I'm going to find out what's going on
while shes out of the house. First stop Ally.

I walk to her room to find out she wasnt there. So I to y/n's room to see her reading one of her new book, sitting on her sister's hanging egg chair.

"Ally, can we talk?" I speak up as I walk further into the room.

"Uhh, sure.." she says marking her page and closing the book. "What's up?"

"Why has y/n been distant with me and cami?" I ask sitting infront of her.  "And dont say you dont know."

She sighs, looking at me for a second before nodding.

"I'm only telling you to help y/n." She says, making sure I nod to show I understand before she carries on.

"The day after she moved back home, while you were asleep. She saw a post 'proof Camila and Lauren are dating' at first she just ignored it and then she started to look to far into it. Also you said you were going to tell everyone but you haven't. You only told your parents." She says giving me a glare at the 'Camila and me part'.

"She thinks me and Cami are dating?" I asked shocked, I know fans ship is but I didn't think my girlfriend would believe it.

"You do act like it sometimes." Ally sighs sitting up straight.

"I have to make this better!"

"Well start by full filling your promise, make a post while shes out and show it to her just as you post it." Ally says. "And them talk about her feelings like adults, and make sure to listen and not flip out again like last time."

I nod before running to my bed room to get started on my love felt post for the woman I love.

Y/n's POV-

I walked around with mani, walking into shops that catch our attention.

I had got a couple tops and some Jean's before we decided to get some lunch, we went to this cafe.

We got comfortable in a booth at the back of the cafe, mani facing away from the window as she was more likely to get recognised than me.

"I'm thinking of going to vist texas in a couple months or something." I blurt out half way throughout lunch.

"Well that sounds good, we can all go make a small trip of it." She replied making me smile in relief.

I had been thinking about visiting for a while but I was scared to bring it up as I didn't want the girls to think I wanted to leave again.

We spent the rest of the day shopping and talking about random things, we both had got stopped by fans every once and awhile.

"It's 5PM, we should probably get back Ally wanted us home before dinner and also we have been here for about 8 hours" mani says as she starts to pull me out of the store I was looking at.

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