chapter 16

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Just a quick note.

You do self harm but you use make up to hide them as your style is very revealing.

And when you cant be bothered you wear Jean's and a leather jacket and slip on some bracelets when you take it off.

Lauren's POV-

Me and ally were on our way to the hospital.

We had called all the local hospitals until one said that she was on her way in an ambulance as we spoke.

Ally was tapping the steering wheel as she drove a thing she does when shes nervous.

She had done it the day of her parents funeral aswell but this time its nonstop.

"Ally, come on shes gonna be okay." I say rubbing her shoulder as she stops at a red light.

"They done this laur! The paparazzi wanted  answers so bad that it ended up with my baby sister in hospital! She hit her head! God knows what could happen!" She starts to cry as she enters the hospital parking lot.

"I know al, but whatever happens me and the girls are here for you." I say, what isn't a lie but also isn't the truth.

The girls will be there for her but I'd anything happens to y/n I think I'll completely shut down.

I know its early but this girl makes me so happy and shes so funny she could put a smile on anyones face.

"Come on let's go find her." I say getting out of the car, I feel like I'm going to cry but I have to stay strong for ally.

Once we get into the hospital, ally goes to sit down while I find out where y/n is.

I found out that they had brought her in 10 minutes ago and that's all she knows at the moment and someone will come get us when they know something.

After about 20 minutes a doctor comes out and calls for y/n's family, we quickly stand up and walk towards him.

"Shes completely stable and her xrays have came back fine so theres no brain damage or internal bleeding. She probably has a mild concussion. But she had broke her arm. Shes getting a cast put on before she wakes up." He says while looking down at his notes everyone and a while.

"But she does have stitches on her forehead where the skin split open."

"Shes not woken up yet?" Ally asks concerned.

"No, but it's most likely that she wont wake up for a while. It will only become concerning if she doesn't wake up after 48 hours." He replies.

"Uh her skateboard, did they bring it? Its sentimental to her." I say remembering what one she took and the story behind it.

She had told me as we laid on bed after unpacking and my cold shower.

She had wanted a skateboard for a couple months and one day her mum took her out to pick one.

And sat outside with her while she learned and she had also went to the skate park with her once a week to see any new tricks and how she was going.

And that started her obsession with them she had multiple, all of them unique and their own meaning or memory behind it.

"Yes, it's with her bag and clothes in her room." He nods while speaking.

"Can we see her?" Ally speaks up.

"Well they are putting a cast on them right now but I'll tell someone to come and get you when shes back in her room." We both nods and he walks away.

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