chapter two

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Ally's POV-

We walked into my parents house with our bags as we were going  to stay the night here.

I had finished talking to social services and as I'm blood family and older than 18 I'm allowed to look after her.

As we walked in I saw a girl with bright pink hair  helping y/n pack some things in the living room away.

"Y/n you know me and my mum would be happy yo take you in you know. Your like my baby sister!"  The pink haired girl said taking a picture of me and our family off the wall.

"I'm fine, it's only 2 years and your like the sister that stayed around! Love you gabby."

Ouch that stung..

Lauren cleared her throat causing both girls to look at us.

"Oh, it you guys. I'll be gone in an hour, I just need to finish packing  my room. That's a box you can look through and pick what you want. You remember gabby Thomson she was always around   before you left. But I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot. Um gabby they are her band mates I think. God this is so awkard." Y/n says. Wow that hurt she thinks I forgot her.

"Y/n your not going into foster care." I finally speak up.

"What? Yes I am, mum and dad's friends cant look after me." She says looking around confused.

"Yes, but  you have a big sister that can."  Mani says staring at my sister.

Did something happen?

"You know what? Whatever. I'm going out tonight. Um if you need me I think my number is on one of my suitcases"  she says as she grabs her bag and goes to the kitchen.

Seconds later comes back in and grabs some keys on the table, what I recognised as the alcohol cupboard keys.

I quickly drop my bags and follow her but as I walk in I see her and gabby walking into the garden with two bottles of what I think are vodka.

I try to run after her but it's too late.

I walk back in and throw myself on the sofa. Telling the girls what happened.

"Wait so she smokes and drinks?!" Mila shouts causing the girls to glare at her.

After awhile they explain that mani saw her smoking with the boys before she came In but i could tell they weren't telling me everything.

Wheres my sweet baby sister gone...

Y/n POV-

As me and gabby walk down the street after we lost allyson, I started to think.

She left me why does she suddenly what to help me?

We arrived at our friends Max's house and we got pissed.

I finally decided to go home around 1 am, I say goodbye to my friends and start the long walk home.

I was just entering my street and so far I've walked into 3 lamp posts and fell over 5 times.

As I stood in front of my house I realised the lights were on meaning ally or one of her friends were still awake.

Sighing I hold up the set of keys for the alcohol cupboard and one of the half empty bottles, we only opened one and a half as there was other types of alcohol there.

I walk in and head straight to the kitchen putting it away and re-locking it before putting the keys on the counter.

I walk into the living  room to see ally fast asleep on the sofa.

I may be mad at her but I'm not mean. I grab the nearest blanket and put it over her  before going to turn the light off but before I could something stopped me.

"Ally stayed up just to make sure you got home okay, you know." The short latina said.

"Well nice to know after 2 years she finally cares " I slurred

She slowly shakes her head before walking towards me.

"The names Camila, but call me cams."  She says once she gets infront of me.

"Y/n" I say back.

She puts her hand out infront of me like shes waiting for me to hand her something.

"The keys please." She says with a stern voice.

I raise my eye brows at her confused at what shes doing. " on the kitchen counter. Put the left over back aswell." I say walking past her.

"How much was left?" She asks as I get to the stairs

"Half a bottle" I say as I start to go upstairs.

I enter my room to see the raven haired packing some of my stuff.

"For someone who thought she was going into foster care she didnt pack her stuff."

"Well sorry I was to busy planning a funeral." I shot back throwing myself on my bed.

"You stink of  weed and alcohol."  She says closing a box and going into my wardrobe.

" I have since 3 months after Allyson left. Nothing new." I said like it wasnt a big deal because it wasn't.

"Why is there a whole draw of pictures of you and ally in a box that says 'trash that I'm keeping'?" She asks with a bit of confusion and a bit of amusement in her voice.

"Because its trash that I'm keeping. Duh!"

"Fair enough, I'm lauren."

"Y/n, your cool unlike that cam girl. She acted like my mum when I walked in. Wheres the keys! You know ally cares. Blah blah blah." I say earning a giggle from her.

"Well did that cam girl tell you that we are leaving around 4 PM tomorrow to go back to Miami?"

"No she didn't." I say sighing. I need to let some anger out so I start talking to myself in Spanish hoping she doesn't know it.

"esto es una mierda! Me gusta estar aquí, ¿por qué tengo que mudarme a Miami con mi hermana a la que no le importa una mierda yo?"  (this is shit! i like it here why do i have to fucking move to Miami with my sister who doesn't fucking give two fucking shits about me?!)

"And there I thought I would have another ally telling me to watch my language!" She giggles out and sits next to me.

I look at her confused how the hell did she understand me?

"I speak Spanish too, idiot!"

Okay I like this one shes feisty maybe this wont be to bad.

"I take ally does that annoying thing still If you swear or use the gods  name in vain she will shout or hit your head?"

She nods with a small smile.

I decided to just go to sleep, my hangover coming early agrees aswell.

As I fall asleep I hear Lauren  say.

"Ally really has alot of work to make up to her.."

Too fucking right she does...

With that I fall asleep

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