chapter 6

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Ally's POV-

She nodded and sat down across from me and next to mani.

Mani gives her a small smile and a side hug.

"Okay, first I want to hear about what happened after I left." I say softly.

I want to hear about everything I had missed good and bad.

"Well a month after you left I was sad I hadn't heard from you but I just put it down to you still not settled in, after 2 months I was starting to lose hope and that's when I met Billie." She paused to look at all of us.

I gave her  small nod to tell her to carry on.

"She was 18 at the time, Shes a month older than you. We got talking and hanging out more and over that month I had know her she introduced me to different drugs and alcohol. I promised myself I wouldn't get addicted and I was just messing around." She pauses to take a deep breath.

"Billie brought it up one day saying she couldn't keep on giving them to me for free, so if I ever wanted anymore after that day, I would either have to pay or make a deal with her. So I went 2 weeks without them and it was hell. And the 3 month date for you leaving came along and I couldn't take it."

Mani wraps her into a proper hug, but Lauren sits next to them and rubs y/n's back and pulls her into a hug making all the girls including me to smirk.

"I called her up and said I wanted to make a deal as I didn't have enough money, so we met up later that day and came up with the arrangement she told you earlier. As you put it ally, basically selled myself for drugs..."

"So that's how I spent just under 2 years, being a girlfriend to someone who openly slept around and kissed other people infront of me, but to be honest I didn't care. I got what I needed and that was fine.."

She sits up, pulling away from lauren and sitting on her own.

"Did you ever, you know....." I ask awkwardly I didn't want to ask my sister if she had ever slept with this Billie girl for drugs.

"Have sex with her?" She asks holding back a giggle. I quickly nod embarrassed I couldn't say it but she could.

"Yes we did. She was good though, she let me decide when we done it, it was a year after the agreement. But before that it was just little things like make out sessions or letting her show me off to her family and friends."

"I changed my whole look about 5 months after you left, I was fed up of teachers telling me I was the double of you. It was annoying before you left, but it had became to feel like an insult when you left. I died my hair black, told mum and dad I was only going a dark brown." She giggles at the end.

"They weren't happy to say the least but after a week they came to like it, for my 15th they let me peirce my nose  and get a couple ear piercings."

"So, you changed yourself so you wouldn't look like ally?" Manni asks with her eyebrow raised.

"Yeah? Didn't I just say that?" Y/n says looking at her confused. "Why?"

"Well, it didn't do much you still look just like ally, just with black and y/h/c hair and piercings. Take them out and you look like twins."

I can see Y/n role her eyes.

"Anything positive happen?" I ask wanting to know if atleast one good ting happened.

"Yeah, I came out at my quinceañera. But that's all." I nod sadly.

I cant believe I missed something that big in my sisters life.

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