chapter 3

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Y/n POV-

I wake up with a massive headache  maybe I did drink to much..

I wake up to most of the girls packing up my room. Have they never heard of personal space?!

When I start to wake up even more I realised that 3 of the 5 girls are packing up my room and 2 of them are in my bathroom.

It's just then I realized what was under my shampoo and in my sanitary draw..

My razors! I quickly jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. Their girls so I just need to pretend to be sick.

I hunch over the toilet and pretend to be sick what actually turns into me being sick.

But the girls dont leave, ally just comes over and holds my hair while rubbing my back.

Plan is back firing...

"Its okay  baby girl.. it's okay.." ally whispers In my ear.

I remember that she used to call me that all the time.

"Make the girls leave... please!" I say while still throwing up.

"DJ, mani, go help the girls pack in her room please" I hear ally say but her hands never leaving my back.

I hear the bathroom door close.

"You okay?" Ally asks as I stop throwing up.

I slump down on the floor.

"I'm fine, just hung over."

She stands up and goes over to the sink grabbing a face cloth and soaking it in warm water.

"Come and sit on the counter for me." Sighing I do as I'm told and jump up on to the counter.

She wipes my mouth with the cloth, before putting it in the wash basket.

"Baby girl, I know losing mum and dad was hard but it shouldn't of pushed you into drinking and smoking.." she says while she flushes the toilet and puts the seat down.

"It didn't I started way before that."

She grabs my hair brush before sitting on the toilet seat and gesturing for me to sit infront of her.

I sit infront of her not saying a word.

"I saw the flag in your closet, did mum and dad know?" She asks softly while brushing through my hair.

"Yeah I came out to them at my Quinceañera, I was upset when you didnt show up you know.. I hand sent you letter aswell.."  I dont know why I'm telling her this, I just need to show her how much pain shes caused me.

" i didn't know you had sent it off yourself but i got it a month later after i got back from tour.. I'm so sorry I couldn't come." She starts to braid my hair.

"What else did I miss in your life?" She asks, she actually seems to care.

"Alot." I say bluntly.

I think it's my turn to ask a question I think. So before she could say anything else I quickly ask the question I have been dying to know.

"Why did you never call or answer my calls. Before you left you said you always would... and dont say you were busy you always talked to mum and dad."

"I dont know... I think something inside me convinced me that you would be happier if I didn't. I always got sad when you didnt come to visit but why should you. I didnt answer or call as you said."

"Ally.. I needed you this last week...hell I needed you these last 2 years.. but mostly this week." I say trying not to cry. I dont know why I'm even talking to her.

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