chapter 18

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Y/n's POV-

It's been a couple months since I had 'asked' for help

Me and Laur, decided instead of coming out as a couple on our 1 month, we would come out on out 6th as its half a year. We have now been together for 4.

I started therapy and home school on the same day about 3 months ago.

The girls are now on tour and Ofcourse I'm with them.

We had worked ot out that I would carry on my therapy once a month but just over call.

The girls are currently performing, and I'm sitting in the backroom, looking through insta.

I fall across one of those 'tea' pages and look at the photo to see it's a picture of me

I fall across one of those 'tea' pages and look at the photo to see it's a picture of me

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(Pretend the hair is way longer)

We decided to dig deep into big girl groups fifth harmony's ally brooke's little sister.

My team and I had found an insta post from what seems to be an old friend wishing her a happy birthday to y/n, using the picture above.

It was captioned 'happy 16th birthday y/n, I loved these past couple years of being your friend. Your a badass with a heart a gold, also your hot and this picture from the trop to the woods proves it. You weren't even posing! I'll see you at your quinceañera tonight.'

And in the post ally had used to announce her sister she had said 'This girl has been through so much, and I was sadly not there to help her through it as I was to busy wrapped up in my job.' Was smoking and other things what ally is helping her with?

Is the 16 year old, y/n not only completely different from her sister is she also the 'messed up sibling'

What do you think of this and her smoking?

I read and reread the post over and over again.

What do they mean I'm the messed up sibling and why did they dig I to my past?!

I quickly look at the comments to see that most of them where defending me.

USERNAME1: does it matter? Ally also said that she was going through alot of stuff after she left. Most teens when going through a rough time turn to the wrong thing. But she could be getting help and trying to  change.

Username4: arent you the same paparazzi's that put her in hospital.

User6: shes sixteen why the fuck are you picking on her, and you dont call someone the messed up sibling.

I quickly close my phone before I get to wrapped up in the comments.

What the hell was I supposed to do?! Yes I messed up but I'm getting better!

I haven't touched a drug, cigarette or alcohol since I came to stay with ally!

I just really needed fresh air and to lay down. So I quickly look around for big rob.

When I finally found him I called his name making him turn and smile at me.

"What's up kid?" He asks pulling me I to a hug.

"I really need to go back to the tour bus, I'm not feeling great. Can you tell the girls where I am, when their done?"

He nods, tells me to be carefull before telling one of the security of the building to walk me to the bus and avoid the paps.

Once I get in the bus, I thank the security woman that had walked me here before shutting the door and walking towards my bunk.

I dont even bother getting changed, I just lay down and think.

I hear the door open and shut, I also hear giggling voices.

So I knew that the girls had finished their show and were back in the bus.

Suddenly my bunk curtain was pulled open by DJ and once she saw me her face dropped.

"Y/n, why are you crying? What's wrong?!" She asks why pulling me off my bunk and  holding me tightly against her chest.

I gently shake my head and wipe my eyes, and ask her to put me down witch she does straight away.

I give a small sad smile before walking into the 'main room'.

"Hey sis, you forgot your phone-" ally starts, but once she looks up at me she cuts herself off and launches out of her seat and over to me.

"You okay?" She asks pulling me into a hug.

I had grown a little over the past months, I was still really short but I was taller than ally.

"Post..." i mumble not knowing what to say.

"Post? a pap post on your phone?" I nod into her shoulder trying to hold back the new tears that were appearing.

"Can you show me, sweetie?"

I slowly pull away and take my phone from ally.

I sit next to Lauren that had been watching the whole time, she pulls me into a hug but leaves enough room for me to use my phone.

Ince I find the post, I hand my phone back to all and she sits down next to me reading through the post.

"I give up with the paps!" She shouts handing the phone to mani.

"First they put you in hospital and now they are digging things up so you have to do a statement of interview where they bring this up!" She says as she starts paseing.

"Wait, what? An interview?! Nuh no thank you."

"Babe... you'll have about I book it with management and I'll be able to sit with you the whole time."

"Ok... I guess.." I say while hesently nodding.

"Okay, you get some sleep okay we'll sort everything out." Ally says popping back into the conversation.

I look at Lauren to quietly ask if shes coming to cuddle.

"I'll be right in sweetie, let me help them and then I'll be in."

"Okay!" I walk back toward my bunk climbing In and laying down.

Me and lauren where given bottom bunks so if we decided to cuddle and one of us fall we wont get hurt.

I sit up quickly grabbing Lauren's hoodie she left in my bunk and pull it ove my head.

I lay back down and start to drift asleep and before I know it, I felt arms wrap around my waist pulling me into a hug.

"You have a interview with Ellen tomorrow as it's our day off."

(I hate her like everyone else but I'm not friends the USA and I couldn't think of anyone else)

"Fine..." I'm mumble before turning around so in facing her. I give her a quick peck good night before going to sleep.

1123 words

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