chapter 5

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Ally's POV-

We were just get off of the plane, a car waiting to just take us home straight away.

Y/n hasn't said anything since we got out the car.

"Have you got everything, y/n?" I ask just wanting to hear her voice.

But she doesn't answer, she just looks around before walking off behind Camila and Lauren.

Sighing I sit back down on my seat.

"She'll come around, she just needs to realise that your not going to leave again and you are sorry. You are right?"

"Of course I am! I just miss my baby sister that used to forgive anyone for anything.."

I was about to stand up and leave but I see her phone on the table.

"How can this kid look around and look straight past the thing most teens can't live without."

"Well, I think the thing she cant live without is her drugs" dinah says trying to make a joke, but no one laughs.

"Too soon?" We all nod "too soon." She says after we all nod.

I grab her phone and we all start to walk to the car where y/n, Lauren and cam where waiting.

When we got to the car y/n was walking away and into the airport.

"Where is she going?" Mani asks.

"Cami, do you want to tell them?" Lauren asks turning her body towards Camila.

"I might of snapped at her when she asked a worker getting the bags out if she had a cigarette..."

"Snapped?! You told her that she needs to get herself together and she was fucking over reacting to what happened 2 years ago!"

"Cami?! What the fuck?" Me, dinah and mani scream at once.

" she doesn't even know where the house is and she doesn't have her phone.." I say starting to walk around getting more worked up over time.

"Why would you do something like that?! Shes 16! She was 14 at the time she made a bad choice! I should of been there! I should of been there..." I say mumbling the last bit to myself.

"Ally calm down, come on calm down.." dinah says pulling me into a hug.

"We'll find her, I promise."

"Big rob went after her so she wouldn't get far."  Lauren pipes in rubbing my back.

We all sit In the car and wait.

《○•°Y/n's POV°•○》

I walked behind the girls and towards a black jeep with a driver.

I look around, and see a worker who looked about 20.

I quickly walked up to her and asked her if she had any cigarettes.

She nods and pulls out a packet.

"How many do you want?" She asks opening the packet.

Before I could answer I was being pulled away by the back of my jacket.

"What the hell y/n?! You shouldn't be smoking your sixteen!" Camila screams at me.

I look past her to see Lauren watching us.

"Its not the worse thing I've done. It doesn't matter. And who are you to shout at me?!" I scream back.

"I'm your sisters friend and I want to be yours. But you need to get your fucking self together and stop being a bitch to a MISTAKE she made 2 years ago, your fucking over-reacting"

What the fuck she had no right to go there.

I do the only thing I could think of.

"Fuck you." I say as I quickly walk off towards the building.

I could hear Lauren shouting for me to come back but it was to late.

As I was about to walk out of the airport, I realised I have no clue where in going.

"Miss Hernandez" I hear someone shout, making the paparazzi infront  of me turn around.

The person the voice belonged to finally catches up to me.

"Miss Hernandez, you need to come back you dont know where your going and your sister and the other girls are worried." Big rob says.

"I cant not right now I need to be alone." I say trying to leave again.

"How about I get tou a taxi and tell them where to take you, so I know your safe and j can tell the girls tour meeting us there. " he asks trying to make a deal.

Nodding he starts to take me towards the line of taxis.

The paparazzi's shouting questions like.
'What are you doing with fifth harmony's bodybuilding' and ' you share Ally's last name how are you guys related'.

Once rob gets me in a taxi he tells the driver where to take me and hands him the money.

"Bye Y/n, I'll see you at the house be safe please."

I nod slightly and tell him thank you before he shuts the door and walks back to the airport.

This is going to be a long 2 years...


I got out of the taxi thanking the driver and walking towards the massive house.

As I was about to walk up the steps to the door, I heard a car pull up behind me and a door swing open.

I turn around to see ally running towards me and wrapping me into a hug.

I awkwardly hug her back looking at the other girls who were slowly walking towards us.

Okay I was short I was the same size as ally but hey I'm 16, I'm still growing!

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry about what mila said! She had no right. I'm also sorry for leaving you and breaking my promise! I'm never going to do it again! I'm going to make up to you." She says all in one breath still hugging me.

For some reason i actually believed her.

I slowly hug her back properly.

"Its gonna take a while you know.." I mumble into her shoulder, trying to hold back tears.

"I know and I will wait aslong as I have to!" She says as she tightens her grip around me.

" I may want your trust but there are going to be rules still, I want you to have a as normal life as you can with your sister raising you. But we'll talk about that later." She says pulling back so she can see my face.

"Let's go in now?"  I hear one of the girls say. I wasn't really paying attention so I dont know what one it was.

I go to follow ally to the house but i get stopped by someone holding my shoulder.

"Hey I'm sorry for what I said... I just really care about your sister and now you and I just let it slip I'm sorry." Camila says looking down at the floor.

"Its fine I guess.. you were right about what you said before we got on the plane, I should have respect for myself.  I just dont." I turn back around and walk into the house.

I walk towards where I hear voices with Camila following behind me.

Everyone was sitting in what I guessed was the living room talking.

"Sit down we have alot to talk about them we have to talk about rules." Ally tells me.

1200 words
Thanks for ready this chapter.

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