chapter 13

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Y/n's POV-

We had just arrived home from the beach, I decided to go upstairs and get into some pjs and be lazy.

I dont know why but today I've just been feeling crap.

Ally thinks it might be my 'period' but it cant be I've never had one and I don't know what to do if I ever did start it.

I quickly change and go downstairs as I was craving a big bar of chocolate.

Once I got to the kitchen I rummaged through the cupboards to find some, but there wasn't any left.

I sit down on the kitchen floor and start to quietly cry, I have no clue why its must some chocolate. But I really wanted it right now.

"I'm back!" Ally screams as she walks through the front door.

I just ignore her and continue to silently cry into my legs.

After a couple minutes I hear the girls start to talk.

"Wheres y/n? She wasn't in her room."  I hear the voice of dj ask.

"Uhh... I'm pretty sure I saw her walk past my room and downstairs" mila answered.

I try to wipe my tears to go over to them but they just wouldn't stop.

A few moments later I was being pulled into a hug by mani.

"What's up, hun?" She asks softly.

I don't even try to reply, I just turn around and cuddle into as much as I could.

"Shh... it's okay..  its okay" she whispers into my ear rubbing my back.

"I dont even know why I'm crying, I just wanted chocolate.." my voice came out quietly that if she wasn't next to me she wouldn't hear me.

"Did you get some?"

"No, I think that's why I'm crying. I dont know." I said calming down.

"Come on I think ally brought some" she says helping me up and leading me to the living room.

All the girls were walking in and sitting on a chair.

"You ok?" Ally asks opening her arms for me.

I walk over to her and sit beside her leaning into her.

"She wants chocolate." Mani says giving me a small smile.

"Is that why you have tear streaks? You wanted chocolate?" Ally giggles lightly.

I pout and feel myself getting emotional again, why am I getting so emotional.

"Hey..I'm sorry, look I got chocolate while I was out." She says grabbing a bar out of the bag and handing it to me.

"Thank you!" I say happily opening it and starting to eat it.

"Baby, can I have a little bit?" Lauren asks sweetly sitting next to me.

"Fuck off its mine." I pull away from ally and lean into Lauren.

"But I'm your girlfriend!" She says pretending to be hurt.

I just ignore her and carry on eating my chocolate.

"Can we order pizza and have a movie marathon tonight?" I ask as I eat the second last square before giving the last one to lauren.

Lauren smiled kissing  my cheek before eating it.

"You just had chocolate!" Ally laughs

"I dont care I want pizza for dinner!" I say glaring at her, annoyed that she wasnt seeing that I wanted pizza.

damaged  (Lauren/you) Where stories live. Discover now