chapter 19

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Ally's POV-

I woke up about an hour, getting everything ready for y/n's interview.

I went through her clothes she has no clothes that would be good for this interview.

So I went to the closest mall and grabbed the perfect dress and got back to the bus for 30 minutes before we had to leave.

I let the girls sleep while the driver drove us to the studio where Ellen was filmed.

I grab y/n's dress and Lauren's clothes she picked out last night before waking them both and the other girls.

We all waited for them as they were getting ready.

After a while they both walk out holding hands, y/n having a scared look on her face and Lauren trying to calm her down.

After a while they both walk out holding hands, y/n having a scared look on her face and Lauren trying to calm her down

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Y/n had got her hair cut a couple of weeks ago and had it re-dyed, it is still long because she said she hated having short hair

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Y/n had got her hair cut a couple of weeks ago and had it re-dyed, it is still long because she said she hated having short hair.

She got it cut to her mid-back and donated her cut hair to charity. The hair she donated made a wig that would go down to the person that wears it chest.

She has grown a lot in the 4 months that she has been here.

I get knocked out of my thoughts by a stage worker saying that they will be on after the break.

I look at Lauren to see what she was wearing, it kind of matched y/n's dress, and to be honest, I did that on purpose.

I made sure to get y/n something similar.

I made sure to get y/n something similar

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