chapter 9

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Lauren's POV-

I stared into her eyes, all my nerves disappearing.

"Listen about the article-" she starts but I quickly cut her off by kissing her.

She doesn't kiss back at first, but after a moment or two she kissed back wrapping her arms around my neck.

She slowly pulled back leaning her forehead against mine.

"I like you alot" I say after we had both caught our breath.

"Well duh, you just kissed me! But I like you too." She said giggling.

"Well duh, you kissed back" I teased before pecking her lips quickly.

We pull away from each other and quickly got under the covers of my bed, cuddling up together.

"So.. what does this mean for us?" She asks shyly, burying herself onto my side even more.

"I really really like you and I would love for you to be mine... if you want to that is!" I say rushing through the last part .

She pulls away turning to face me, oh god.. I messed up. I look down at my hands.

"Lauren, did you just as me to be your girlfriend?" She asks lifting my head up so we're looking into each other's eyes.

"Depends on your answer"  I say we a sudden burst of confidence.

"The answer is yes!" She says giggling.

I pull her into another kiss, holding her as close as I can while kissing her.

As we pull back she looks at me with a crazy look in her eyes.

"Let's prank the girls!" She says climbing into my lap and wrapping her arms around me.

"And how would we do that, babe?" Her face goes deep red with the pet name.

"I- uh- we can pretend that the report made things really awkward and we got into a fight."

"Okay, you run out screaming and I'll stay here like I'm upset."

"How come I have to run out?!"she pouts laying her head on my shoulder.

"Because I'm to lazy, and it wouldn't be the first time you made a dramatic exit."

She sticks her tongue out at me, before standing  up and sorting herself up.

"Fuck you lauren! Fuck you!" She says with a smile before opening my door and slamming it behind her on her way out.

I hear a knock on my door and mani, dj and mila walking in.

"Y/n seemed pissed, are you okay?" Normani asked sitting next to me.

"We confessed that we both liked each other but I told her that it could never happen because I dont what the paparazzi on my back about my sexuality."

"Laur.... I can see where shes coming from. You can't be afraid to do something you really want." DJ says pulling me into a side hug.

"What do you want?" Mila asks looking out the window."you might want to figure it out y/n's stomping back to the house."

Before I could answer y/n runs into my room jumping into my arms.

Ally comes in with a panicked look on her face.

"Y/n, get off of her!?" She screams.

But instead of getting off she kisses me, I quickly kiss back.

"Wait, what's happening?" Ally asks surprised at what's happening.

Once we pull back, we explain that we just pranked them and that we were actually dating.

damaged  (Lauren/you) Where stories live. Discover now