chapter 17

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Y/n's POV-

I get out the hospital shower, staring at my uncovered arm, the scars laying on the flesh.

I look over at my clothes hoping theres a jacket or something to cover my arm.

Seeing that there is I quickly change wanting to go home.

Seeing that there is I quickly change wanting to go home

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(Ignore the hair)

I walk out to see Lauren already changed finishing her breakfast.

I walk out to see Lauren already changed finishing her breakfast

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I walk over to her and steal a bite of her pancake. She giggles before kissing my cheek.

"Ready to go?" Ally asks handing me my own tub of pancakes.

I smile and nod while opening the tub and starting to eat while we walk out.


When we get back ally pushes me all the way to my room and makes me lay me in bed.

Saying I have to get rest and if I need anything just to call her.

■□trigger warning I'll put ⚠️when its over□■

I'm just laying in bed when the normal thoughts come into my head.

Your sister doesn't want you.

Lauren doesn't even like you.

Why are you still alive.

Cut your self tou deserve it.

I just want them to shut up, I climb out of bed and head into my bathroom and lift up my shampoo bottle and grab the razor.

I quickly wash it so I dont get an infection, I sit down on the toilet lid and slide up my sleeve.

I slid it against my wrist a couple times, watching the blood run dow my arm.

Once all the voices had disappeared, I grabbed  a face cloth and pushed it against my arm to stop the bleeding.

But I didn't realise it was white and it's now blood red.

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