chapter 14

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No one's POV-

Y/n flipped lauren over so she was on top.

"Undress while I lock the door." She says, her voice low and raspy.

Lauren quickly undressed herself and waits on the bed.

Y/n walks back over to the raven haired girl with a small smirk on her face.

She straddled Lauren, kissing her passionately.

It turned into a passionate make out session. After awhile  lauren pulled back attaching her lips on to her girlfriends neck.

After lauren was satisfied with her work, she pulled y/n's clothes off with the help of the shorter girl.

Leaving her underwear, obviously.

Y/n  slowly kissed down to Lauren's folds  before looking up for permission.

Lauren doesn't answer, she flips y/n over so she was on top.

"You said you would kiss my lips, babe" and with that  lauren was straddling    y/n's face.

Y/n started to eat her out, moaning at the taste of the raven haired girl, causing Lauren to let out a louder moan.

Y/n's tongue speeding up its pase, lauren threw her head back moaning even more.

"Y/n! Dont stop.. dont stop!" She moaned out.

Within seconds Lauren was having a organism and y/n helping her ride it out.

Lauren climbed off of y/n's face, after y/n had cleaned her up.

Lauren watched as y/n licked her lips clean.

Y/n leaned towards lauren kissing her, allowing her to taste herself.

(Smut ended)

They snuggled up in bed, happy and content with what just happened.

But the peace didnt last long before there was banging at the door.


Y/n sighed sitting up and slipping out of bed and towards Lauren's closet grabbing an oversized shirt on and grabbing a pair of Lauren's boxer's.

"I'll see you after I get in trouble, baby." She said as she slipped out of the room and shutting the door before ally could run in and shout at lauren.

-ally's POV-

I cant believe what I just heard. I wanted to stop it straight as It started.

But the girls pinned me down until it went quite. It was torture hearing someone moaning my sisters name out.

Once I had got y/n into my room, I grabbed my pillow and started to hit her.

"Oww! Ally stop" she said pulling the pillow from my hands.

"Al, chill. Tell me what's wrong instead of beating me with a pillow."

"Y/n, you both said you would keep the door open and not do what you just did..." I said sitting next to her.

The truth is I didn't like how fast she was growing up and i had missed 2 years of it.

"Ally, I'm sorry okay, but I'm not a little kid anymore." She sighs out pulling me into a hug.

"Yes and I understand that, but you only started dating 2 days ago, dont you think your going to fast?"

"I... I dont know, this is the first real relationship I've been in. My last one was one sided literally." 

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