chapter 20

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y/n POV-

it is the day after my interview and I was sitting on the bus.

the girls were currently at soundcheck before their  show tonight

I decided that instead of sitting around doing nothing that I'm going to sing one of my songs.

I search around in my bag searching for my notebook where I've been writing songs for 4 years.

I started writing songs way before ally left I just kept it to myself, but after she left I got my guitar and started to bring my songs to life.

once I finally find it I grab my new guitar and setting up my phone so I can record it.

I flip through my songbook, till I see a song I want to sing.

once I'm finished I hear clapping, so I turn to the door to see all the girls standing there smiling at me.

"That was great!" Dinah says as she walks over and throws herself into the free space next to me.

"Dinah, pass me her phone!" mani shouts, doing as she's told DJ grabs my phone and passes it to her.

"hey! what are you doing!" I say getting up and trying to chase her.

"girls!" she screams carrying on my phone.

suddenly I'm on the floor with Lauren straddling me and her hands pinning my arms down.

"babbbyyyy, let me go!" I whine while trying to get free.

"Sorry... no can do, but I can do this." she leans down gently kissing my lips.

I kiss her back forgetting what is happening and enjoying the moment.

"and done! you now have a youtube channel and posted your first singing video that me and all the other girls are going to tell the fans about on our Instagram." she says while putting my phone on my hand that is still pinned to the ground.

"what! no! that wasn't for people!" i say trying to fight lauren to get up.

"too late, the only person who has to post about it is on top of you."

"I hate you all" I mumble as Lauren climbs off me.

"No you dont." Mani replied sitting on the floor next to me.


This is only a short one because I needed this chapter so the future chapters make sense.

I've decided to add drama...

damaged  (Lauren/you) Where stories live. Discover now