chapter 7

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No one's POV-

It was around 7:30 am, no one but lauren was awake.

It was very strange that she was, she was normally one of the last awake.

She had been up awhile actually, trying to figure out what it means bow she clearly has a crush on the younger Hernandez sibling.

Was she bi? Pan?

This wasnt the first time she had thought about this, actually she had thought about this many many times before.

In one of the other rooms layed a fast asleep ally and y/n.

In the middle of the night, ally couldn't sleep, she felt horrible for what she had done even if she didn't mean it.

So she got up and went to y/n's room, carefully waking her up to ask if they could cuddle.

Half asleep y/n agreed and fell asleep straight away.

All the other girls were asleep in their rooms, but dinah she was asleep at the kitchen table.

She had went to get a snack in the middle of the night and fell asleep once she had finished.

Lauren deciding that she couldn't stay in bed anymore, she walks down to the kitchen and let's out a small laugh when she sees the taller girl fast asleep at the kitchen table.

She carefully bends down next to her and gives her a little shake.

"DJ, go back to bed. This can not be comfortable."

The girl doesn't even answer she stands up and nods as she makes her way up stairs to her room.

Lauren laughs and shakes her head, before picking up her plate and glass and taking it to the sink to wash it.

Ally's POV-

I slowly open my eyes to see I'm cuddling with my younger sister making me smile

I slowly sit up bring  her with me as she was clinging on to me in her sleep.

I lean against the headboard, drawing little patterns on her covered arms.

What is it with her that she always sleeps in her clothes from the day before.

I would never be able to fall asleep in a turtleneck.

I look at the time and its 8 am.

"Baby girl... it's time to get up and ready." I whisper softly, not knowing if shes a morning person still.

She just ignores me and lays back down on the bed.

"Come on, it's time to get up!" I say starting to shake her slightly.

"I dont wanna.." she mumbles into her pillow making me laugh.

"Come on sleeping beauty its time to get up."

"Fuck off... I'm not sleeping beauty.." she mumbles.

"Excuse me?" I say slightly sturn but also amused at how she can be so grumpy but so cute.

"Shit" she says sitting up and looking at me.

"Fuck I did it again!"

At this point I'm debating whether to hit her or laugh.

"Shit why can't I stop!" She says, okay I'm gonna hit her now!

But before I could lightly hit her on the arm, she runs off screaming.

Giggling, I get up chasing her.

I remember when we used to do this when we were kids.

She would slip up and say a swear word she had learned at school and I would chase her until I could hit the back of her head or arm.

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