1. Good Morning

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Chapter 1
In a room a girl was peacefully sleeping on a single bed when a lady in her mid 50s barged in the room
Lady: Oh wow here I'm busy doing the work and this girl is sleeping like a queen(shouts)You poor orphan wake up. Wake up you witch.
She was yelling when a man in his mid 50s walked in.
Man: Riddhi!! let my child sleep what has that little girl done to you
The Lady is Riddhi so obviously the girl is Avi and the Man is JD.
Bcoz of these noises Avi woke up.
Avi: Papa, Mrs. Singh
JD: beta you sleep I'll take Riddhi out
Avi understood that JM and JD were fighting bcoz of her. She didn't want to become a reason for fight in his brother's family so she said.
Avi: Umm papa I think I should get up bcoz its almost the time to get ready as I gotta go to college.
JM: Hmm better
JD: ok beta as you wish
JM: move out of ur bed quick n make us breakfast
JD: No she's won't make breakfast we have maid for that
JM: why waste money on paying maid when we have our personal slave
JD(anger): she is my princess, not our slave
JM: yes she is now I don't want to argue more(to avu)so u witch get up quick
JM went out.
JD: princess u don't need to do it u focus on ur life not on this useless stuff
Avi(smiled): its ok papa I'll make breakfast I really don't want u 2 to fight bcoz of me
JD: but-
Avi: papa please
JD: fine
Avi: btw good morning papa
JD(sarcasm): good morning but you are wishing that too early, aren't you?
Avi(chuckles): Hehe
Here is the first chapter!!!!
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