13. "HER"

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Chapter 13
After That they all went for their class.
In Classroom
Sid's Pov
What was I doing out there? This Avi she's attracting me towards her. She is too attracting dude. I shouldn't grow feelings for any girl except HER bcoz my fate has decided me to be with HER. Bcoz_____________.
Pov Ends.
After College.
All left for their homes and Avi went with Sidnavi.
Soon they reached Nigam Mansion.
Avi was seeing such a big mansion after a long time. She remembered something and a tear rolled down her cheek. But before anyone noticed it she wiped it off.
Vaish: come on Avi I'll show you your room!
Avi: okay
Vaish took her to A hugeeeeeeee room.
Avi: Such a big room for the tiny me?
Vaish chuckled at her.
Vaish: Yepp now go and freshen up I'll go to my room and if you need anything my room is next to yours.
Avi: okay once again Tysm Vaish
Vaish: No problem and now try to forget the past and enjoy your present.
Vaish left.
Avi's Pov
I can't forget the past even if want to. I don't even have anyone to share it with except for Anu Dii.
Pov Ends.
Somewhere Else
A school bus was hijacked by some goons. Around 40 kids were there in the bus. All children were crying. There was also a teacher and driver in the bus who were kept at gunpoint.
Tr(pleading): Let the kids go pls they are innocent pls
G1(goon 1): If we had to let them go why would we hijack the bus. So just shut your mouth. We aren't leaving you all until we get what we want.
Driver: What do you want?
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