9. I'll miss you daayan!

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Chapter 9
In Evening
Avi's Pov
Yaar iss Vaishu ne fasa diya! Ab papa ko Kaise manau. I took a look at my wrist watch and got to know it's almost 7:30. Papa will be home anytime.(Bell rings)I think he's back.
Pov Ends.
Avi opened the door for JD and he came inside. JD hugged Avi.
JD: hello princess how are you
Avi: I'm good papa
JD: You look kinda tensed what happened?
Avi: papa actually Vaishtoldmetolivewithherinhermansion.
JD: what?
Avi(took a deep breath in): Vaish told me to live with her in her mansion she got to know what Mrs. Singh did today so she said me to live with her anymore when I said no she gave me her kasam.
JD: Beta I think you should go bcoz if you live here Riddhi won't let you live in peace.
Avi: really?
JD: yeah
Avi: I'll miss you and Jai.
JD: we'll too
Jai came.
Note: JM isn't home as she was gone to her friend's house.
JD told everything to Jai.
Jai: I'll miss you daayan.
Avi: it was chudail right?
Jai: yeah but parivartan sansar ka niyam hai
All laughed.
After Having Dinner.
Avi was in her room. She messaged Vaish. Vaish replied instantly.
A: Holaaaa
V: Heyyooo
A: Guess what papa agreed
V: yayy
A: yeah
V: when you moving in?
A: you tell
V: I think day after tomorrow so that you get time to pack your stuff
A: ok
V: I'll send my bro to pick you up
A: okay, Good Night
V: Night Avi, Bye
A: Bye
Chat ends.
Next Day
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