10. My FB

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Chapter 10
Next Day
Nothing Much Happened So Skips To next day again😅.
Avi was done with packing. JM still doesn't know about Avi leaving.
Vaish texted Avi.
V: heyyoo
A: Holaaa
V: little change in the plan
A: What is it
V: I'm coming to pick you and you come along with your bags after college we'll directly head to my house
A: ok
Chat Ends.
Jai came in Avi's Room
Jai(happy): hello Lil sista
Avi: hello you look happy today what's going on
Jai: well I'm joining your college
Avi: wohoo yay but Mrs. Singh
Jai: no one's informing her
Avi: what but you shouldn't lie to your own mom
Jai: sirf Naam ki mom hai woh
Avi: Jai!
Jai: what? You na pls throw away that golden heart of yours
Avi: whatever but when are you joining college
Jai: tommorow now listen I'll slowly and sneakily take your bags out of the house so that mom doesn't see it.
Avi: okay
Avi received a text it was from Vaish.
Text: Avi I'm here come down
A: Okay coming
Avi: Jai she's here
Jai: ok
Jai sneakily took Avi's luggage to Vaish's car. Avi bid bye to JD and Jai and then left for college with Vaish. They reached college in sometime. Vaish parked the car and then they went and stood near the gate waiting for their friends.
Vaish: Avi you know my twin bro is also joining this college today
Avi: oh okay
Vaish: he'll be here soon
Avi: Hmm
All their friends came.
Vaish: guys guess what
AbhiAisPri: what?
Vaish: Sid's joining this college again
Abhi: really
Vaish: yeah
Ais: yay I'll meet my FB after a long time
Avi: FB?
Ais: Arey FB means Favorite Brother
Avi: oh
Abhi(jello bro mode on): Am I not you favorite brother
Ais: nope you aren't
Abhi: What?!
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