18. The Library

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Chapter 18
Avi's Pov
If I will argue anymore than I'll get late I think I should agree with Vaishu.
Pov Ends.
Avi: okay fine Vaishu I'll use your car
Vaish: hash maan gayi madam ji(to sid)Sid carrrrrrrr
Sid: okay
Sid arranged car and driver for Avi to pick up her and drop her.
Avi sat in car. They driver was a man of around 40-50 years old.
Dri: where should I take you mam
Avi: (she told him address of Anu's house) and pls no need of this mam thingy you're elder you can call me Avneet
Dri: no mam you are Vaishnavi mam's friend so how can I?
Avi: she won't mind it's okay you can call me Avneet
Driver nodded.
Soon she reached Anu's house and rang the doorbell. Any opened the door and saw Avi. They both hugged each other.
Anu: hey how are you
Avi: hey I'm good I missed you
Anu: I missed you too come in
They broke the hug and went inside and Anu took her to a room which looked like a workplace or office. It had a office table and chair. Both sat down on the chairs.
Avi: so what you got to know?
Anu: the letter of your parents(see said and took out a letter from the drawer) here below their names there is some empty space and I think there's something written here but we can't read it so now we need to find out how to read the invisible part of it.
Avi: oh
Avi remember something.
Avi: candles! I need a candle can you please get me one
Anu: huh? Candle?
Avi: Aap pehle candle lao fir batati hoon.
Anu: umm okay
Anu went to kitchen and came back with a lighted candle in her hand and kept it on the table.
Avi took the letter and kept it a little above of the flame of the candle.
Anu: aise toh letter jal jayega
Avi: kuch nhi hoga di you just chillax
After a few seconds some text started appearing on the letter.
Anu: OMG!!
Avi: earlier when mummy or papa had to say so to only me they used to write it with a invisible ink.
Anu: oh
Avi reads the letter and it said “The Library is the key to your answers”
Anu: which library
Avi: I have heard about it but I can't remember anything
She said and sat back on the chair while grabbing her hair in her hands
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