19. "HER" Once Again!

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Chapter 19
Avi: dii I think of now I should go home it's quite late
Anu: okay and get some rest maybe then you'll remember something and if you do tell me
Avi: that goes without saying
She hugged her.
Avi: bye dii
Anu: bye Avi

They broke the hug and Avi left.

After half an hour she reached Nigam Mansion and then she directly went to her room. She went inside the washroom and took off her clothes.

Avi's Pov.
As soon as I came back I stripped and turned on the shower letting the cold water touch me. I'm trying to remember about the library but I can't, I just can't! I remember mumma telling me something about this library when I was small. And papa use to often take me there but I can't remember where it was. Ughh F*ck my life!!
Pov Ends.

After taking a refreshing and soothing bath Avi came out wearing a oversized top and ripped jeans.

With Sid
He was in the extra huge swimming pool of Nigam Mansion that too shirtless. There were some female servants there who were shamelessly checking him out. Sid ignored them and continued swimming.

Sid's Pov
Ugh these stupid girls are continously looking at me while the girl who I want to see me isn't seen anywhere. Wait a minute what the fuck am I even thinking! I shouldn't think about her as I'm destined to be with someone else(he sighed)Pov Ends.

Next Day
After college
Vaishneet were getting ready in their rooms for going to shopping. Avi got ready and went to Vaish's room.
Avi: looking hot vaishu
Vaish: thank you and you look cute
Avi: thanks, now are you ready?
Vaish: yeah lemme get my purse
Avi: okay
Vaish went in her walk in closet and came out with her purse.
Avi: so let's go
Vaish: okay leggoooooooooooo
They went in living room.

Suddenly Vaish stopped.
Vaish: wait lemme inform Sid otherwise he'll be worried.
Avi nodded.
Vaish went to Sid and came back after informing him
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