8. Swear On Me!

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Chapter 8
Avi: I can help you with science anytime you want but I don't have to live with you for that.
Ais: but...ugh fine but if that lady does something again I'm gonna rip her soul
Avi: okay okay calm down girl!
Pri: What are you guys talking about?
Avi: uh nothing she's just tell her hatred for science.
Pri: I still can't believe how can someone hate science I mean it's such an interesting subject.
Ais: For you not for me.
Pri: whatever
Avi: you two shut up now or else Jaya Mam will send us out of class.
PriAis: Fine!!
During Break.
Avi, Pri, Ais, Abhinavi all were in canteen.
Ais: Guys Riddhi Aunty was again being Rude to Avi and she also slapped her.
Avi(glaring): You didn't had to tell that!(whispers) now they'll worry for no reason.
Ais: they should
Vaish(anger): how dare that lady
Pri(anger): why didn't you tell earlier I would have killed her
Abhi(anger): if God forgives one of my Sins then that would be killing her.
Avi: hey hey peeps calm down!
All except Avi: What calm down!!!
Vaish: Avi now it's enough I'm not letting you live with her anymore you're shifting with me and living with me and my brother.
Avi: No I-
Vaish(cuts her): Tujhe Meri Kasam, swear on me!
AisPri: Wohoo counter attack!!
Avi: but what I'll tell to papa
Vaish: that's your problem not mine
Avi: ugh fine I'll try
Ais: Vaishu Waise toh Yeh kasam wali trick main use Karti hu but today you did it Woh bhi at perfect timing
Vaish: Ikr
They hi-fied.
In Evening
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