31. The Ring and The Bracelet

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Before beginning with the chapter I want to tell everyone that each and every thing written is purely my imagination and nothing intended to hurt any religion, cast or people. If you have any problem with it you can skip it.

Chapter 31
Avi: because I come here often and spend some time alone. I myself I have cleaned up all this a few months back.
Ais: what?
Avi: yeah now come and sit here
Avi said pointing to a bench.
AviAis sat down and Avi took out the book.
Ais: what's this
Avi told Ais everything that happened yesterday in library including the boys incident.
Ais: oh my Gosh this much happened and do you think you can trust Amelia
Avi: yes I can, she was my back bone in childhood
Ais(smiled): okay nice
Avi: for now let's read this book
Avi opened the book and started reading.
In Book👇
Many years back in the times of God lived a man named Aabhas. He worshiped Shiv Ji and Parvati Ji. Once he meditated straight for 3 years by which he won the hearts of Shiv Ji and Parvati Ji. They were pleased by his performance and gave him a magical ring and a bracelet as a reward. But after somedays Aabhas has got very powerful with the Ring and Bracelet in greed of more power he attacked the Devtas. As the ring and bracelet were blessed by Shiv Ji and Parvati Ji the Devtaas couldn't stand against the power of it. They were loosing the battle. That's when Shiv Ji and Parvati Ji came to rescue. While they came the ring and bracelet touched them and the power of Ring and Bracelet increased so much that Aabhas couldn't bear it. The ring and bracelet fell down somewhere. The Gods succeded in saving others and with a powerful arrow they both attacked Aabhas and that was the end of him.(this is purely my imagination and nothing intended to hurt any religion or people)
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