7. Golden Heart

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Chapter 7
Sid's Pov Continues:
Now the paperwork is done. I think I should tell Jai too.
Pov Ends.
Sid went to Jai.
Sid: Jai
Jai: hmm
Sid: I'm changing my college
Jai: what? But why suddenly? Any problem?
Sid: actually Vaish my sister wants me to do so.
Jai: oh by the way which college you are switching to?
Sid: xyz college
Jai: My sis my cousin sis studies in that same college.
Sid: oh ok but Jai why don't you join me there I mean you sister is there too so you should join I guess
Jai: I too wanna join that college but..
Sid: But?
Jai: my mom you know
Sid: oh umm I think you should ask your dad
Jai: your right I guess bcoz my dad is a very good planner. Hehe.
Sid: Good now I'll leave. I'm joining xyz college day after tomorrow so if you are joining too then tell me
Jai: sure bye buddy
Sid: Bye
With Avi
She was in class
Ais was sitting beside her. Avi was still kinda upset with the morning incident. Ais noticed this.
Ais: Avi you okay?
Avi: umm ya I'm fine
Ais: you seem a bit upset today
Avi(lying): no nothing
Ais: you really think you can lie to me, your mami did something again?
Avi: ab umm yes
Ais(anger): what that bitc-
Avi(cuts her): No cursing at elders Ais
Ais: I don't care and you just tell me what She did.
Avi:(tells everything)
Ais: why do you even tolerate her. Listen I'm telling you, you can just shift in my house and stay with my family. And Trust me my family will treat you like a princess. Abhi also treats you like a lil sister so all is okay. What say?
Avi: I don't want to be a burden on you guys plus Mrs. Singh isn't really that bad.
Ais(rolled her eyes): oh come on Avi keep that golden heart of yours aside which doesn't let you see the bad side of people and you really wouldn't be a burden on us in fact I need your help in science too as science and me have a very old rivalry.
Avi chuckled.
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