2. Reason For Me To Live

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Chapter 2
In a big luxury mansion a boy was sleeping on a king sized bed. A girl walked in and said.
Girl: wake up boyyyyy it's time for college
The Boy ignored her and covered his head with the comforter n slept again.
Girl's Pov
Ugh Yeh ladka aise nhi manege ha idea
Pov Ends.
Girl(pretends): ouch ouch!!! This hurts
The boy woke up with a jerk.
Boy: hey hey Vaish what happened
Vaish: sid ur finally awake now get ready
So the girl and boy is Sidnavi
Sid: Youuuuu, don't u know that ur the only reason for me to live u r scaring me like this, If something happens to you I might die-
Vaish cuts him by keeping her hand on his mouth.
Vaish: shush don't say that even i can't live without u duffer
Sid: Sorry
Vaish: it's ok now u duffer get up u gotta go to college
Sid: ok mom
Vaish: shut up!!
Sid: whatever idiot
Vaish: You-
Before Vaish could complete Sid got up and Ran away
Vaish(irritated): ughh!!!! A total duffer he is!!
She also went out of the room and herself got ready to go to college.
With Avu.
She made breakfast for all and herself ate. After that she with Jai left for college. Jai dropped her to college and himself went to his college.
In College
Avu stood near the gate waiting for her friends when two girls shouted
Girls(shouts): Aviiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Avi: are you both trying to make me deaf at such a young age?
Girls: Hehe
Avi: Aishu, Pri where is Vaish?
So the girls are me urf Aisha and Priya
Pri: no idea
Ais: wait I'll call her
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