25. Amelia The Librarian

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Chapter 25
Sid unlocked his phone and gave her confusingly and as soon as he did he was himself shocked bcoz THE SIDDHARTH NIGAM never gives his phone to anyone not even his own sister but today he gave it to a stranger girl he met few days ago. After a few seconds Avi gave him his phone.
Avi: here is my number, save it
Sid looked at his phone and saw that Avi had typed her number in his contact, He saved it and gave a miss call to Avi and then blah blah blah. Then he started driving the car and again the ride was silent.
Sid's Pov
I have never felt so shy or nervous in my entire life. What happens to me when I'm around her. Oh God this girl is driving me crazy!!
Pov Ends.
Avi's Pov
When he got nervous and started talking Continously he looked so cute, he is so good then why after he entered in college everyone got scared from him? But he is so hot-.......WHAT THE FREAK AVNEET ARE YOU IN YOUR SENSES!!!!!when did I start thinking about a boy like this. Ugh forget it!!
Pov Ends.
After a few minutes they reached the library.
Avi: Sid if you want you can stay here and I'll go do my work.
Sid: no it's fine I'll come with you
Avi: umm okay
Both got out of the car and went inside the library. There were only a few people 2 girls and 3 boys who were continously staring at the girls but the girls were facing the other side so they didn't notice. When sidneet entered the boys started drooling over Avi. Sid noticed that Avi was uncomfortable and passed a glare to the boys. They turned away.
Avi went to the librarian. The librarian was a girl.
Lib(librarian): Hello
Avi: hello
Lib: what kind of book you are looking for Miss..
Avi: Avneet
Lib: Avneet?
Avi looked at Lib confusingly.
Lib: daughter of Sonia Nandra and Amandeep Nandra?
Avi: yes but how you kno-
Lib: come with me
Lib started walking somewhere and Avi confusingly followed her. Lib took her to a room and there were some old boxes and a cupboard.
Avi: can you pls tell me why you brought me here and who are you?
Lib: Your parents had some supporters who were loyal to them and always supported them I'm daughter of one if them, my name is Amelia.
Avi: you know Mumma papa?
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