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Chapter 20
Vaishneet left for mall and as soon as they reached Vaish went in to the Gucci store and started shopping🛍. Avi followed her. Vaish was busy in shopping and Avi was just looking at the dresses knowing that they are too expensive for her.
Vaish: hey why are you not selecting anything for yourself come on we're out for shopping get yourself some beautiful clothes
Avi(looking down): Vaishu these are too expensive for me
Vaish: Aviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii who the hell told you that you're paying for these
Avi: huh?
Vaish: Arey dumbo you're out with me so obvio I'll pay the bills so just chill and shopppppp
Avi: Vaishu once again I repeat these are too expensive I can't let you pay for it.
Vaish: tell me one thing you consider me as your sister?
Avi: ofc you're my sister though not from blood but from heart as well soul sister
Vaish: so between sisters there's no money thingy now shut up and let's shopppppp
Avi: but-
Vaish: shushhhhhh challllll
Like this they started shopping and Avi also got in mood and selected 2 dresses for her that she found kinda less costly from other dresses and they were beautiful too. And Vaish is the “SHOPPING QUEEN” so she bought around 25-30 dresses for herself.
Vaish: how many you took?
Avi: 2
Vaish: 2!!!! So less ugh you're again thinking about the money thingy right? But who cares let's get you more!
Said Vaish and dragged Avi with her and chose some beautiful dresses for Avi. Then Vaish payed the bill. They came out of the Gucci store and went to Dior shop.
Vaish: now it's time for accessories, so what you want
Avi: I don't want anything you know na i don't use my much
Vaish palmed her forehead and dragged Avi with her and got her a wonderful perfume along with a cute bracelet. Then she bought some necklaces, perfumes and bracelets for herself too.
Avi: now I'm hungryyyyy
Vaish: me too let's go to food court and I'm gonna have a burgerrrr
Avi: I'm up for cheese fries
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