24. Phone Numbers

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Chapter 24
Abhi: hmm
After college
All were leaving for home, AbhiAis left in their car. Pri also went and same with Jai. Sidnavi n Avi were also leaving when Avi said.
Avi: Vaish I have to go to Daydream library for some work so you two go I'll come later
Vaish: okay but you know na that Daydream Library is in a lonely kinda place so it's dangerous for you to go alone
Sid: yes Avneet it's a very lonely place if you need any book I'll get it for you
Avi: Arey there's no need for you two to worry I can take care of myself and Sid I don't need any book I just have some work there
Vaish: okay then sid will also come with you
Avi's Pov
If I say no now she'll argue more and I'll get more late, yaar how can she put me in a same situation everytime
Pov Ends.
Vaish: Avi I know no one can even touch you but still you're safety is important so Sid is coming with you, okay?
Avi: I don't have any other option I guess
Vaish(flipped her hair): yess and Sid you're going with her
Sid(happy from inside): umm okay the library is quite away from Nigam Mansion so first I'll drop you home then I and Avneet will go to library
Vaishneet: okay
So they left for Nigam Mansion and after dropping Vaish, Sidneet started their way to the library.
The ride was silent but suddenly something popped up in Sid's mind and he broke the silence.
Sid: Avneet
Avi: yes
Sid: can I please have your number?
Avi: huh?
Sid(nervous): because it's weird you know I mean we live in the same house and still don't have each other's phone numbers so that's why please don't feel uncomfortable if you don't want to share it's okay I won't mind.
He said all this nervously in one breath which made Avi chuckle.
Avi: why are you being so nervous? We're friends na so we can share our numbers just chill come on give me your phone
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