30. The Clean Classroom

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First of all sorry for not posting from past few weeks, I wasn't well and also had my exams on so yeah

Chapter 30

Skips to next Day
In College
All were in class.
Sidshek were sitting together, VaishPri in front of them. Jai with a random boy behind Sidshek and AviAis on the row next to them.

Avi's Pov
Till now I haven't read the book yet. I have to read it soon, it's in my bag right now but now if I read Sm1 might see it and the secret will be revealed, which shouldn't happen at any cost. My parents gave their lives for this secret and even i will do that if needed.(Ais shook her)Pov Ends.
Ais: where are you lost?
Avi: umm nowhere
Ais: Avi you know right that you can't hide anything from me? So just spill it!

The teacher saw them talking.

Tr: Avneet, Aisha why are you gossiping in my class?
Avi: sorry mam
Tr: get out of my class
Avi: Mam we're really sorr-
Ais(cuts her): we're highly obliged mam thank you so much
(to Avi): come let's go
She said and dragged Avi outside the class.
The others in the class laughed at this. Tr sighed in frustration.

With Avi
Avi: what the fuck girl!!! why you did that
Ais: so that you could tell me what's wrong with you
Avi: nothing's wrong
Ais: Avi!
Avi: what? I said na there's nothing wrong
Ais: Aviiiii
Avi(frustrated): Okay fine follow me you idiot

Avi went to a old classroom which hasn't being used for a few years followed by Ais. Inspite being not used for so long the classroom was looking clean and neat. Shocking right?
Ais: this classroom isn't used from a long time then how the hell is it clean
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