4. I feel worse!

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Chapter 4
Jai: I feel worse, I feel worse for not being able to help my sister, I feel worse for not doing anything for her, I feel worse when seeing her being treated badly by my mother.
A tear rolled down his cheek.
Sid(wiping Jai's tears): I know how it feels seeing your sister in pain, I also have one sister and seeing her in problems pierces my heart. Don't worry bro it's gonna be okay. Now don't make the bad boy of the college cry
Jai chuckled.
After College In Singh's House
Jaineet were in Jai's Bedroom.
When JM walked in.
JM: You witch what are you doing in my son's room get out. We have some standards unlike you.
Jai: Mom stop it! Her standards are way higher than yours
JM: Jai is that how you talk to your mom? Havent I taught you any manners?
Jai: Oh come on mom if I had learned anything from you it would be torchering innocent people and bullying them.
Avi: Jai let it be please
Jai: No you just shut up Avi, I can't tolerate another word against you.
JM: So now you will fight with me, with your mom for this witch, for this ugly piece of shit
Jai: Mom that's it now it's enough what's your problem with her what has she done to you
JM: she did nothing but her parents did, they cheated______
Avi(shouts a little): please Mrs. Singh not a word against my parents, what proof of you have of them cheating.
JM: you slut how dare you raise your voice on me
She was about to slap her when a hand held her hand and stopped her from hitting Avi.
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