Chapter Five

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Paul: This time, I'm going to be the one to do this next prank. Ace is helping me getting the speakers ready.

Tommy: What prank are you doing?

Eric Singer: And who is it that you're pranking?

Paul: Well, I already found out who sprayed liquid a$$ all over me and it was Emily.

Gene: WHAT???

Eric Singer: No way! She wouldn't even think about doing a dirty prank like that.

Paul: It's true. I caught her sneaking into my bedroom and Gene found the same thing in his bedroom by checking the security footage.

Gene: I must say, I never expected something like that from a 23 years old girl.

Paul: Anyway, when everyone else is asleep tonight, I'm going to get up at midnight to do a loud noise wake up prank on her.

Tommy: You'd better watch your back after this is over, because Emily won't hesitate to do a double prank on you.

Paul: I know. Because of that stupid liquid a$$, I had to throw the outfit away into the big garage can outside.

Gene: Well, good luck anyway.

(*Many hours later...*)

(*Paul Stanley wakes up at midnight to do the loud noise wakeup prank on the host*)

Paul: *whispers very quietly* Okay Ace, are the speakers working right?

Ace: *also whispers very quietly* Yeah, everything is ready. Have fun, curly.

(*Ace points his thumb backwards and teleports out of the Egyptian bedroom*)

(*The host is fast asleep in bed lying close to Vinnie Vincent, who has his arms protectively wrapped around her waist*)

(*The Starchild is hiding outside the Egyptian bedroom with his phone connected to the speakers*)

Paul: *presses "play"*

(*First loud noise*)

Vinnie: *wakes up and is feeling scared* Babe, did you hear that?

Me: *moans sleepily* Hear what?

Vinnie: That scary sound.

Me: Vinnie...I'm really tired. Go back to sleep. *pulls Vinnie closer to me and then falls asleep*

(*The first noise stops*)

Paul: *presses "play"*

(*Second loud noise*)

Vinnie: *immediately sits up in bed with a startle* What the hell?! 😱

Me: *gasps* OMG! 😨


(*The second noise stops*)

(*Fifteen minutes later...*)

(*12:15 am*)

Paul: *presses "play"*

(*Third loud noise*)


Me: I don't know Vinnie. 😲

(*Paul Stanley quickly makes his way to his bedroom without being seen*)

(*The Ankh Warrior gets up to put on his bathrobe, opening the bedroom door and yells out into hallway*)

Vinnie: HEY! Turn that sh*t off! 😠

(*Vinnie closes the bedroom door and locks it*)

(*The third noise stops*)

(*12:32 am*)

Vinnie: *is cursing in hieroglyphics*

(*Vinnie takes off his bathrobe and goes back to bed, pulling the blankets over me and himself to keep warm*)

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