Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Me: IT'S TIME! We're at the final chapter of this book. And then, we'll be moving on to the next Truth Or Dare With Kiss.

(*Everyone claps their hands in applause*)

Me: For the final chapter of this particular book, we're all going to Queensland Australia! Our dare is to have fun at the beach!

Paul: Cool!

Tommy: Wait a minute...isn't that where those deadly jellyfish live?

Me: Yep! The box jellyfish that I got months ago are still doing just fine!

(*Everyone looks to the right and sitting on a ledge, is the host's big aquarium with her pet box jellyfish*)

Me: Hi Jeffrey! What'cha doing?

Gene: Who is she talking to?

Vinnie: Jeffery is one of her pet box jellyfish. He's the youngest.

Me: Oh dear, looks like a few of my jellyfish died of old age. I guess I'll have to sneak some more home to put in my fish tank. Let's get ready for our trip and Ace, you can just teleport us to the airport.

Ace: *cackles* Okay, curly!

(*So, everyone goes to their bedroom to pack a suitcase and get ready for the trip and once we're all ready, Ace Frehley teleported us to the airport*)

Air pilot: "Attention visitors, the flight to Australia is now almost ready to take off, please have your boarding passes with you and your medical documents to prove that you've been vaccinated for COVID-19. Any passengers that are boarding this flight without vaccinations will not be permitted to travel".

Me: *whispers* Ace! Get us on the plane before anyone else does!

Ace: *points his thumb backwards and we all teleport to our seats on the airplane*

Some random employee: Huh? What was that?

(*Meanwhile, on the flight to Australia...*)

Ace: *snickers* That random dude was wondering what happened...

Peter: *chuckles* Yeah, I saw that too.

Some other passenger: Shh!

Ace: You shush it, curly. 😝

Passenger: Dude, this is a airplane flight. Some of us are trying to sleep.

Ace: *holds up his middle finger when the passenger wasn't looking* 😜

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