Chapter Ten

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Me: Okay guys! Suzy and the Fox have an important announcement to make!

All nine of the Kiss guys: Okay!

Suzy: Eric? I'm ready.

Eric Carr: *gets down on one knee and holds Suzy's hand*

Eli: Ohh my god! Look Petey-bear!

Vinnie: I can't believe I'm seeing this. 🙂

Eric Carr: Suzy, you have been a good friend to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me and become Mrs. Suzy Carr?

(*Everyone gasped in delight and happiness as the Fox takes out a little black box, and inside is a beautiful orange-colored Diamond ring that is in the shape of a fox*)

Suzy: *grins nods her head excitedly* Yes, I'll marry you, Little Caesar!

Me: YAY!

Ace: Whoo hoo! 😆

(*Eric Carr slides the engagement ring on Suzy's finger and they both share a loving hug and a kiss*)

Paul: Congratulations, buddy. *smiles and gives the Fox a playful pat on the shoulder*

Eric Carr: Awww! I am so happy that I'm marrying my sweet little vixen. *nuzzles Suzy's nose and then kisses her, licking her fox nose*)

Suzy: *giggles* Eric, that tickles! *nuzzled Eric Carr's pointy fox nose*

Eric Carr: Let's go have some fun! 😜🦊

All the other Kiss guys: HELL YEAH!

(*And so, everyone went out to eat at a restaurant called Little's Caesar's Pizza to celebrate the engagement of Eric and Suzy Carr*)


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