Chapter Eighteen

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Me: Time to go to the wedding ceremony!

All the Kiss guys: Awesome!

(*So, everyone got into the Kiss limo and they made the hour long drive to the place where the wedding ceremony was taking place*)

(*The Ankh Warrior and his mate decided to have a "quickie" in the very back seat of the limo and no one could hear their moaning over the loud music*)

(*The Ankh Warrior and his mate decided to have a "quickie" in the very back seat of the limo and no one could hear their moaning over the loud music*)

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Vinnie: Mmmm...Baaaaby...*bucks his hips against my crotch*

Me: Vinnnnie!

(*Vinnie and Emily hit their climax*)

Eric Carr: Yo Vinnie! We're almost there!

Vinnie: Okay!

(*Everyone goes to where wedding reception is taking place*)

(*Everyone goes to where wedding reception is taking place*)

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Me: Whoa! This place looks so beautiful!

Ace: Look guys! They have space bears for the center piece on the tables!

Paul: *laughs* Wow! That is pretty cool.

Peter: *laughs* 😹

Gene: *laughs* So, who's going to dance with Suzy first?

Peter: I can, but don't worry Eli. I won't let Suzy hug or kiss me.

Me: I'm going to dance with Michael Jackson when it's Vinnie's turn to dance with the bride.

(*Michael Jackson nearly chokes on his drink in embarrassment*)

Michael: Oh goodness. It's been a long time since I danced with a woman. 😅

Me: *giggles* You're so silly Michael.

Michael Jackson: *sticks out his tongue at me childishly and then giggles like he does*

Vixen91: *giggles* Emily has wrote stories on Wattpad about you

Michael: You have? Wow. I haven't seen fans like that in years.

Eli: You can dance with Peter, Suzy. But remember, no hugs and kisses.

Suzy: Don't you worry, cat momma! I won't!


(*Suzy and Peter Criss go to the dance floor and the DJ plays the song "Hard Luck Woman*)

(*Fifteen minutes later...*)

Suzy: Whew! That was nice. Thank you Peter for dancing with me.

Peter: It was no problem at all, kiddo.

(*Suzy grins mischievously when she sees the Ankh Warrior talking to Eric Carr*)

Suzy: Okay Egyptian Wizard, it's your turn!

(*Suzy pulls Vinnie by the arm and leads him to the dance floor*)

(*The song "Walk Like An Egyptian" by the Bangles" began to play*)

Vinnie: *chuckles* Okay Suzy, I'll dance with you.

(*The host giggles when she sees Michael Jackson sitting at one of the tables drinking a party cup of fruit punch*)

Me: *has already had two drinks of grape flavored wine* Ohh Michael! Are you ready to dance like crazy?!

Michael: *blushes* Oh alright Emily. But just this once.

(*Michael Jackson and the host walk to the other dance floor*)

Me: *whispers to the DJ on what song to play and nods his head with a smile and a thumb's up*

(*The song "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake began to play*)

Michael Jackson: Emily...this is a dirty song. Your a very naughty little girl.

Me: And I know that you like it...😉

Michael Jackson: *playfully winks at me as we both dance to the music*

Me: *twerks in front of Vinnie*

Vinnie: 😌🥰

(*Two hours later*)

Suzy: That was awesome! Now, it's time for me to dance with my husband.

Eric Carr: It would be a pleasure my sexy vixen.

Suzy: *blushes* Aw! You're such a tease, Fox!

(*Suzy and Eric Carr go up on the dance floor to dance with each other*)

(*The song "Can You Feel It"? by Eric Carr began to play*)

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